'Black Ignorance is a Multi-Billion Industry'

5 months ago

In this April 2023 clip, Thau-Thau Haramanuba (@thauthauharamanuba) discussed the decolonisation of the African psyche and culture with Gogo Simenjalo (@gogo_simenjalo) on the AfroSavvy podcast (@afrosavvy).

The president of the Rastafari United Front denounced the Black community for spending almost $7 billion a year on artificial hair and nails in the United States. He argued Africans must move away from consumerism and realise that ‘what we need, we must make ourselves.’

According to Cheryl Thompson's research in 'Black Women and Identity: What's Hair Got to Do With It?' in 2008, 70 per cent to 80 per cent of Black women in the US chemically straighten their hair.

Video credit: @afrosavvy

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