Why does the devil want Donald Trump dead?

1 day ago

@drmikelbrown_ The enemy knows the power of purpose, and when God has a plan for someone's life, the devil will do everything to stop it. Donald Trump, like many with a God-given mission, faces opposition, but God's purpose will always prevail. No matter the attacks, God's hand remains on those He appoints.

Pray for God's will to be done, and trust that His plans will not be thwarted.

"No weapon formed against you shall prosper" (Isaiah 54:17)

"For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction" (Psalm 1:6)

#DonaldTrump #politics #AssassinationAttempt #Republicans #Democrats #faith #prayerworks #prayforourcountry
#PurposePrevails #Isaiah54 #Psalm1 #GodsProtection #SpiritualWarfare #TrustInGodsPlan #PrayForLeaders #GodsPurpose

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