Rape of the Mind by Joost Meerloo : The Intrusion of Totalitarian Thinking

20 days ago

Starting a new series I'm calling the "Nightwatch Book Club", cute isn't it? Where we'll be going through some books I find not only thought provoking but empowering, something we can apply to our lives going forward in these insane times.

I recently heard of this book during an interview with combat correspondant Michael Yon. And after reading through the first few chapters on my own, I was struck by much much the topics in this book run parallel with the psychological experiment we've all been put through over the past few years. So I thought I'd put it out there in an entertaining, thought provoking format. So here it is!

This book was written by Joost A. M. Meerloo, M.D.
Instructor in Psychiatry, Columbia University Lecturer in Social Psychology, New School for Social Research, Former Chief, Psychological Department, Netherlands Forces in 1956.

This book consists of 18 chapters, and I'm planning on releasing a new chapter every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday night in the coming weeks. So I hope we can all get through it cover to cover by Thursday Sept 3rd! I know it's a long wait, but hopefully you'll follow along with me it's worth it!

Here's a quick overview:
The Rape of the Mind represents one of the earliest and most notable studies of social control, political conformity, and menticide. Dutch physician and psychoanalyst Joost Meerloo, one of six children, but the only one to escape the Holocaust, had experienced firsthand the myriad of thought-control tactics employed by totalitarian states when he wrote The Rape of the Mind in 1956. In these pages Meerloo undertakes a systematic analysis of methods for brainwashing and control, exploring such subjects as coercion, mass delusion, false trials, mental contagion, sematic fog, the use of fear, and other techniques for mass submission, among much else. Many of Meerloo's predictions were ratified throughout the Cold War, and his ideas continue to take on new light in the hyper-novel technology- and media-driven world of today.

* Other credits to Skeptical Waves for the audio reading portion of this video

"Nightwatch N8" is the host of the Nightwatch Podcast. These Podcasts are created with painstaking attention in creating a unique audio landscape, with the intention of creating a fully submerged / subversive creative learning environment, so you can step out of your daily existence and step into another time and place.

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