Article 5018 Video - Big Hats Off! And a Little Addition! By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5018 Video - Big Hats Off! And a Little Addition! - Thursday, September 19, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

I keep telling everyone how much we all owe to independent American researchers --- people who dig in and start nailing down one particular topic, and then share the information with the rest of us.

Reposted below is a ton of information about the Right to Travel and both Federal and State of State Case Law to back up your right to travel.

Remember that the court is trying to mischaracterize you as a foreigner in your own country and is misaddressing you as a foreign citizen merely residing in Oregon -- in this case -- but we are making good speed on that, too.

What I would like to add for everyone else is that what applies to one Dairy Queen franchise also applies to another; what goes in the State of Oregon goes in all the other "States of States" as well.

Oregonians have the right to travel about on the public roadways “as a matter of right” and that is not a licensable, commercial, professional, occupational event.

This right is protected by:

1. Oregon Constitution (Article I, Section 14): Right to travel freely.

2. US Constitution (Article IV, Section 2): Privileges and Immunities Clause.

Oregon courts have upheld this right:

1. State v. Goyt, 272 Or 1 (1975): Traveling is a fundamental right.

2. State v. Rogers, 41 Or App 891 (1979): Right to travel without licensure.

Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 801.025 explicitly states:

"...'drive' or 'driving' does not include operation of a vehicle by a person who is not required to have a commercial driver's license."

This distinction separates:

1. Traveling (personal, non-commercial)

2. Driving (commercial, requiring licensure)

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