4 days ago

Thank you GOD & Sandalphon for the music
Thank you GOD & JESUS for evidence of your existence.
Incidently, this dig pic was taken by me the day of my anointing,
I felt the energy as a reiki master & took a pic as the Holy Spirit had been training me to do when I felt any extreme energy, dark or light.
After that I lost some time & found myself out of the deep woods.
No understanding how I got there until examined the pics & did my research, as well as got clues from the Holy Spirit.

The LORD JESUS set up a table before my enemies &
anointed my head with oil, just as the bible states.
There were many dark ones present who could do nothing.
HAHA I LOVE JESUS! HE really has balls!
Reminds me of DJT who is walking in the will of CHRIST. HE also has balls...
Kinda need that in view of evil.
Any show of weakness or fear & your done.
Faith must take it's place. Jesus demonstrated this HIS entire LIFE.
TRUST in the Most HIGH
is the important factor.

~ lu

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