Shelter Dogs For Veterans | Fantasy Turf War Presents | S1E22

5 months ago

Join Commissioner Cory as he interviews Sharon Callan, a dedicated team member at Shelter Dogs For Veterans, a nonprofit organization that pairs shelter dogs with veterans and trains them to become fully qualified service dogs. Sharon shares insights into the transformative impact of the program on both veterans and dogs, and discusses how the organization operates.

This is Part 1 of 2 for this team, as each part was a great discussion and needed it's own air to breathe.

You can support SDFV Here

Fantasy Turf War presents heartwarming stories and impactful interviews. Don't miss this opportunity to learn about a cause that's making a difference!

#impostersyndrome #shelterdogs #servicedog #nonprofit #fantasyturfwar #animalrescue #servicedogtraining #veteranassistance #inspiringstories

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