Craziness with Latest Headlines, Ohio, Save the Cats, Memes Banned in CA, & Distrust Govt

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In this livestream, I go over the latest headlines...I hope you take the time to review at your convenience. Thank you.

A few points that I forgot to mention and/or made errors of. With regards to the man on the same island talking about the Haitians Voodoo rituals...I was wrong of him being Jamaican, when in fact he is from the Dominican Republic, that is on the same island as they are a richer community than it is in Haiti. This is part of their culture, not everyone participates in witchcraft.
Also, with those speaking up at City Council Meetings, yes I brought I 1964 New York Times vs Sullivan, which is very clear that the city must listen to your grievances they cannot restrict free speech. Even if you do sue them, the city prefers to wait until the statue of limitations run out and claim they have authority over you. Power corrupts as in 1 Timothy 6:10 "for the love of money $$ is the root of all evil."
What happened to stop paying property taxation is legalized theft? Do you have a higher claim over your life and/or property? Something to think about?
Do what you can and not consent to bad policies/protocols, and so forth. okay?

Abortion Pills Tragically Kill Another Woman

Congrats to Pfizer for being in 175 years in business and not curing one single disease.

Medical Tyranny Critically Injures Lexi Lorenze, a Californian woman who was compelled to receive 3 's as a condition of medical treatment
Patient Bill of Rights?
Pharma ignores your rights claiming it's policy/protocol & BS
FDA Approves Vaccine for Mpox — Warns It May Cause Death in Vaccinated and People They Come in Contact With

Just like the Covid death are the Mpox death jabs designed to cause mass suffering, shedding, and death that suits control and depopulation agenda.
While the fear propaganda spreads and the sheeple will be stupid to comply. You can thank the order followers and the sheeple blindly following orders. Your consent is fueling this insanity. Ignorance is beyond no defense. While common sense with discernment is becoming an endangered species. Mass noncompliance is necessary.

Zap Surgical
Figures. Thanks for sharing Killery of what may happen to P. Diddy.
Have fun with the Gators
There's no protection from that lake of Killery & Diddy.
You chose poorly.

Pager Bombs, "ROUTH" Means GOLF ROUGH, P. Diddler Indicted, Leaching Food Chems & Back to WORK

Routh=rough ground
Viewers comments: "Voyager is probably in a dark room in Hollywierd flying from its strings"
Trump's suspected would-be assassin in 2002 wielded fully automatic machine gun in 3-hour standoff with police: Report

Trump Shooter, Ryan Routh was in an Azov Battalion Video in May, 2022. - 1:48 Mark

He was in a Blackrock commercial just like Crooks. No coincidences. Both patsies....

Death by Remote

The recent cyber-physical attacks in Lebanon, involving exploding pagers and walkie-talkies, heralds a new age of remote assassinations

So it's " 20 gm of PETN, a highly explosive material, on its lithium ion batteries along with malware that would cause heat surges upon activation."

Sponsored by the U.S. Military Industrial Complex...

BREAKING: Reports Indicate There May Have Been A Third Attempt On Trump’s Life

Microwave weapons and/or bioweapons....with adverse effects such as blurry vision and swelling...aka eye injuries...
"Approximately 20 patriots who attended Trump’s high-energy rally in Tucson are now reporting having to go to the ER immediately after the rally.
The attendees all suffered from symptoms like blurry vision and swelling — serious, concerning reactions that all came on shortly after the rally ended.
ALL of the affected were seated right by the stage where Trump made his entrance.
Now, here's where it gets even more concerning. One attendee reports that a doctor told her she suffered from a chemical burn.
We’ve got to ask the question: was this a deliberate chemical attack aimed at Trump? Were these patriots collateral damage in another attempt to kill the president?
The Trump campaign has confirmed they’re gathering information on the situation.
According to a senior advisor, “We remain committed to the countless patriots that attend our high-energy, high-impact rallies across the country.”"

This has CIA written all over it.

Haitian migrant killed 71-year-old grandmother in “dystopian nightmare” Ohio town

You can thank the order followers who obey evil orders...allowed decades of bad policies and bad incentives to allow the illegal migrants/invaders to keep coming. Cut off the incentives would be a start, along with limits. They should not be able to drive, when they are driving recklessly...this is all by design to cause the divide and conquer, along with destabilization and suits control and depopulation agenda. 

Video footage suggests Haitian migrants really are eating local cats (and possibly other animals) in Springfield, Ohio

Gee you think?
That's over 25 min. documentary was spot on. Don't expect fakestream media to do squat.
All by design to create the destabilization....divide and conquer...
In their culture, killing pets and animals are used for Voodoo rituals...Thank you Tyler Oliverira: "BREAKING:
"NEW: Springfield, Ohio man says Haitian illegals are decap*tating ducks from parks & eating them, accuses commission members of getting paid off for allowing it.
So much for getting rid of the incentives that bring the illegal immigrants here. No more than 2 years of incentives and no BS coming from those who are causing more problems for others.

All part of the destabilization process that suits Agenda 2030.
Who benefits?
You can thank decades of bad policies & the incentives for bringing them over.
Big $$ talks big
This is where the Military is needed. They understand force
Protect your kids & the animals

More horrifying details emerge about the 20,000 Haitian migrants INVADING Springfield, Ohio: Residents are fleeing due to overwhelming VIOLENCE
The invaders turning the town into their third world existence aka crapperhole environment.

Have you seen the CAT EATERS of Ohio? Beyond the rumors, here’s what’s real
 Footage in Dayton, Ohio as well....WTF!!

Springfield, Ohio - Leaked 911 call Reporting 4 Haitians Carrying Dead Geese

And nothing is being done to stop these invaders. They understand the language called force.

Man from The Same Island Discusses The Ohio Haitian Illegal Migrants
The 8 funniest memes about Haitian immigrants eating animals in Springfield, Ohio Newsletter PM Premium Test 2024-09-12&utm_term=ACTIVE LIST - TheBlaze Daily PM&tpcc=email-premiumtest

Have a heart and feed a Haitian your cat today! From Prime Time with @alexstein99

#MissionImpossible #cats are switching to stealth mode. They are training  and are preparing  so their fellow cat warriors will join them in #battle
They are fierce. And welcome reinforcements from the cats & other species from the animal kingdom

Militia protects neighbors while the standing army protects government politicians.
Thomas Massie is spot on.
The memes do show reality...hello?

'Openly totalitarian': Footage surfaces of Harris threatening to storm houses of law-abiding Americans for surprise gun checks

California Just Banned Memes!

Deepfakes do's scary. So you can get arrested for a meme, but steal $900 dollars Worth of merchandise. Nothing to see here. Newscrum needs to go bye bye.Governor Newscum the perfect fourth world clueless leader.
Banning memes....WTF!!!Comedy Is A Felony In California Commiefornia is beyond saving.

Gavin Newsom chuckles as he signs bills restricting AI use in election ads — but social media users may have last laugh Blaze PM Trending 2024-09-18&utm_term=ACTIVE LIST - 7 Day Engagement&tpcc=email
Ohio Parent is Horrified by the videos being played for 5th graders…

Even if you sign a waiver not to place your child in this so-called health class when it's really sexualization class.
Best to pull your kids out of the prison indoctrination centers.

Even if you run for school board and get in...who is there to say that one would be corrupt by politics and continue the same policies as before. Including receiving federal funding from the Government, alphabet agencies, and the satanic overlords.
There are homeschooling and micro-schooling options that don't involve pushing the indoctrination. Even some of the private schools push the indoctrination, the jab requirements, and so forth.
Our system is based on consent. Mass noncompliance is necessary.

Broad Foundation (finances education, isn't the only one)

"To parents with kids in Public Schools, this is your wake up call.
Credits to @kikifuchser0218 on Tik Tok.
This video is astounding what she’s about to show you.
Please watch!"

Don't put your kids in indoctrination camps. Problem solved!

Mass Exodus out of the #prisonindoctrinationcenters

Schooling Without the Shots in CA: What Every Parent Needs to Know

Homeschooling resources

Want to homeschool? Read this first 2024-08-18&utm_term=ACTIVE LIST - TheBlaze Daily PM&tpcc=email

Homeschooling resources/curricula are included in this article.

Springfield, Ohio city council member, a Democrat, heard on a hot mic: "Literally, I really don't give a sh*t about the business of the city."

Crystal needs to be removed from city council. Corrupt officials could care less, it's beyond obvious.
You can't fix a broken corrupt evil system.
If there is any reform, what are you going to replace it with?
Sure we may have the 2A...our whole system is based on consent.
No good measure to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

CAUGHT ON CAMERA: UN legal officer reveals globalist org’s goal of becoming a world government CAUGHT ON CAMERA:

Operation Lock Step: Is Phase Three Being Put In Motion?

Less Than 50 Days Until Life In America Changes Forever, And Our Nation Is Primed For Massive Civil Unrest

Is There A Secret Ulterior Motive Behind The “Emergency Move” That The Federal Reserve Just Made?

TSA wants to delay full enforcement of REAL ID another two years
Another delay that #securitytheater wants.
Doesn't this tell you there are issues with #realid
While increasing #civilassetforfeiture and more authoritarian control for the state...hello? No surprise who benefits?

Deepfake financial fraud to surge over the next 12 months, Deloitte reveals

Credit Card Processor Data Breach Exposes Personal Information Of 1.7 Million Customers

Gee you think?? Almost a year, WTF?? Nothing has been done to protect people from fraud, including scammers.
"Credit card processing service Slim CD, popular in the U.S. and Canada, has revealed a massive data breach that exposed the personal information of nearly 1.7 million customers. The hack, which went undetected for almost a year, has raised serious concerns about data security in the financial sector."

Our Dystopian Future Is Here.

Don’t Trust the Government. Not with Your Privacy, Property or Your Freedoms

These points stated are so true. Policies never change. Do you prefer to have authority over your life and/or property or others such as Govt & agencies?
Dangerous freedoms or Peaceful slavery...can't have both?

Dear Deep State...
"The cage of your lies caused your victims to seek the truth." It's not lack of love that made them who they are. It's greed & power. Psychopaths only understand force.  
Well said & thanks #greatawakening #freedomwarriors

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