The Spookiest Coral Haul Yet!

5 months ago

We are getting more coral for the 125g reef tank! Also I give you guys an update on the tank. We are making a DIY frag rack for our QT tank, and getting everything squeaky clean.

More Freshwater Content Coming Soon!
I've just been really excited about this tank for a while and wanted to make a good step in the right direction! So now that we have a good start, we'll be transitioning to some freshwater projects for the next couple videos.

Leave a like if you enjoyed the video and you wont want to miss the video's I have planned so make sure you're subscribed!!

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Everything I used in this video:
(I earn a small commission if you purchase from the links below, at no cost to you, helping this channel grow! THANK YOU!)
• Frag rack:
• Insulated bag/Lunch Box:
• ReVive Coral Dip:
• Another Popular Dip:

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