O Beautiful for Endless Wars

6 months ago

O beautiful for endless wars,
For searing waves of pain,
For vicious bombing travesties
Above the ravaged plain!
America, America
God shed his tears on thee.
And crown falsehood with orphanhood
From sea to blood-drenched sea!

Oh beautiful for arms races
Whose profits are immense,
For bombs and guns yield ample funds,
At peoples' great expense.
America, America,
Your war machine marches on,
Exploiting fears for countless years,
With lives and truth undone.

Oh beautiful for wars provoked,
By coups and covert schemes.
For C.I.A. armed militias
For cover-ups obscene.
America, America,
The war drums never cease.
And those who die can't question why,
While living folks are fleeced.

Oh beautiful for blinding lies,
That fuel the war machine,
With flags unfurled and hatred hurled
The truth is rarely seen.
America, America,
Your leaders fan the flames,
And in the din of hate and lies,
They play their deadly game.

Oh beautiful for endless lies,
Disguised as noble cause,
For glory sung by silver tongue
With arms merchants' applause.
America, America,
Your dreams were made malign.
The land of the free is now merely
An empire in decline.

See https://progressivememes.org/war/U.S.-Wars-Rock-Opera-Part-One.html for more antiwar music and for documentation.

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