How Skipping Meals Can Cause Headaches and Migraines & What To Do About It!

5 months ago

Headaches and Migraines suck but you can try to do something about it.

I. Low Salt: Sodium is a necessary electrolytes for proper nerve function. Dehydration is also another possible factor to consider if you do not drink enough water.
- Solution: Add sea salt to your food.
- Drink at least 70oz of water daily.

II. MSG & III. Copper Toxicity: Both are neurotoxic and excitatory that may cause headaches and migraines due to overstimulation.
- Solution: Take Zinc, avoid all junk food and fast food.
- If copper water pipes, buy a shower head filter.

IV. Hungry: If you skip meals by running on coffee and pastries then your body might be starving for quality nutrition.
- Solution: Eat a good meal rich in Animal protein and healthy fats daily.
- Do not skip breakfast.

V. Stress: May cause tension headaches.
VI. Bad sleep: is related to stress.
VII. Tense Muscles: Also related to stress.
- Solutions: Rub Magnesium Chloride on your body to get sufficient Magnesium to relax your body.
- Take some Vitamin B1 to help you relax to take off mental stress.
- Get a massage.
- Stop drinking alcohol.

VIII. Leaky Liver: A cause of long-term migraines. Bile acids leak into the blood which may cause intense head pressure and disorienting migraines.
- Solution: Make an appointment with Gabe the Nutritionist to put you on a special low toxin diet.

IX. Heavy Metals: Like Mercury, Cadmium, and Lead may accumulate in your brain causing long-term migraines.

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Disclaimer: I am not a Medical Doctor or a Dietician. I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Nutrition Researcher. Therefore, I legally do not Treat, Diagnose, Prevent, or Cure people. My advice is to not be construed as such and is my opinion. I educate people on the following topics above. My advice is best tailored to my clients. If you are not my client then any advice given should be discussed with your professional healthcare provider.

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