Corona Egress

6 months ago

Greeting of the Day!

And, sitting in for Alan Funt, who, is in quarantine for a novel coronavirus, let's just say I am not even his elected representative, and SUM times we thank God for unanswered prayers, right? You know that dawg don't hunt. 

It was not until I arrived in the Virginia National Guard, despite the overwhelming representation of persons from below the Mason Dixon Line, which is actually not far from Bryn Mawr, when I had first heard that rather exquisite colloquialism, which seemed so well to capture the essence of the situation to which it had applied, finding a Brigade Commander reacting to a CQB report from a Company Commander, and then I arrived in NOVA, not quite the army thereof, and found amongst our rescue convicted, that most useless thing a true Southerner could imagine, and in quite abundance: a three-legged dawg. However, a recent motion for summary judgment assurance to the federal district court, a claim, based upon the best efforts and well-formed beliefs of a licensed attorney that there were no genuine issues of fact regarding whether the White House should prevail in this ripe-for-dismissal case, appears to have provided vivid demonstration about what they mean when they say, whenever a door closes a window opens. I am not quite certain if it is as reliable as God's unchanging hand, or the certitude we derive from an empirical methodology, or even might even withstand the rigor of a mathematical formula, but while we are still awaiting the reasons presented to the court that had warranted a request and grant of extension for yet more time, in a case with a noted protracted history, we have an opportunity for what we call on the range, alibi firers to go back and try to knock those popup targets down. 

The requester, some self-proclaimed biological warfare planner, if you can grant any facial plausibility to that fantastical claim, had requested, as conceded by the Deputy General Counsel at OPM, documents pertaining to the personnel security classification of certain, specific metrics of threat assessment for the novel virus that managed to beat Hitler in the Holocaust in half the time. Pleaded with extraordinary peculiarity, like we expect in an allegation brought in fraud. It's wholly conceivable it was a lucky guess, and in turn, albeit not until January 2024, on a FOIA request acknowledged to have been received in March 2021, a little longer than the usual 20 days, that a policy action had occurred in which this request had been determined to warrant a personnel security assignment of Confidential, which would be a document pertaining to the classification of the basic scientific metrics, which as intelligence professionals know could not be classified at all, unless they had some connection, more likely than not, with high confidence, to a weapons system. But didn't we have two plausible scenarios? Natural spillover or escape from a lab, presumably in Wuhan? Do we have a lab in Wuhan, or, in the alternative, do we have horseshoe bats working undercover in China? Thinks that make you say, mmmmm. 

So, that's one document that has to be produced before we close this out, and we should see the explanation for why this determination had been made so as to authorize a best effort peekaboo operation at things you require a need to know to know.  Prayerfully, they did not take their authority to look at classified information just because some wacko spinning conspiracies said it might be classified and the White House needed to check it out. Waste, fraud and abuse!  Not to mention incompetence. Somebody would need to be fired if that occurred. But, viewing the Government in the most favorable light, we may take on good faith that this determination had to be made by some authorized person who would have had their authority delegated from the Commander in Chief, and so we are also going to require release of that authorization document. Your papers please. Don't be off the plantation without your freedom papers, we always tell those advanced alien slaves at Area 51.

But there is one more document of real interest that may have been made by the same person or another original classification authority, and that is the wanna be an individual who decided to increase the THREATCON and escalate the search to start spying on Secret documents. What in ignominious Hell were you thinking? Who authorized this crap? Did Eddie Murphy show up at a warehouse and ask you for a match? Jesus Christ, Father God, Blessed Mary and Holy Ghost, have you gone crazy? Dana, make sure the President pulls somebody to the carpet on this SNAFU. This is the worst security I have ever seen, except maybe in Cleveland.  

And if this was actually classified information, made by somebody with authority, we can have everybody call off the search for the proximal origins, because, according to the rules, the Government that has been looking for this since 2020 had forgotten to check if they owned it, and then if classified it would not only probably have to be a weapon but the product of a laboratory, despite what even the community of the most government scientists, who also had a profit incentive to elect a right to remain silent and organize to keep somebody off a ballot, claimed to have spilled over naturally, in a most likely scenario, pinning the blame on a God in Heaven they claim doesn't even exist. And I thought church folks were a mess.

And on that less than redeeming note, Chaplains, do us the honors and please close us all out in prayer.


Major Mike Webb

You can't save the world if you are NEVER born!

PS: We have a wonderful next episode scene at First Vaccinated Baptists of Alexandria next Sunday as Paul moves from Felix to Aggrippa on special application of his rights as a Roman citizen. It's a must see. Gotta plug the Book.

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