Unlock Coors Cool Vibes with the Retro Ice Chest Cooler! Coors Banquet Cooler Ice Chest

5 months ago

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The video showcases the features of a cooler highlighting its handle and interior design.The self-locking handle has a rubber grip that helps assist the lock feature The sand and steel handle which is bolted onto the lid and feels pretty sturdy. The insulated plastic liner is built into the lid and the lid fits pretty snug to keep your snacks and your drinks cool. This 14 quart 13 liter ice chest plastic liner resists stains and odors and easily wipes down. The liner is not removable and no drain plug. The Coors Banquet brand logo is professionally screen printed on and is not a decal.

Let's have a closer look at this product in closer detail Here's Koolatron's Core Banquet retro ice chest cooler with built-in bottle opener We're going to be looking at the features on the outside and the inside This cooler states that it can hold 1812 ounce standard cans and 12 12ounce bottles Later in this video we're gonna see how many Coors Light slim cans we can fit in this cooler But first we'll be showing off some features Here's a closer view of the built-in bottle opener The outer retrofit design parts are constructed of stainless steel as well as the lid the handles and also the bottom

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