They Got Gordon! | Batman: Arkham Knight #37

5 months ago

Welcome back to Batman: Arkham Knight! After decrypting the radio signal, we have finally located where Jim is. I rush to his last known location via the signal to find him already captured by the militia. Just what happens when a gazelle walks into the lions' den. But at least I know he is alive for now. And he has lead us to the Arkham Knight's HQ so that was a big help. This leads to my second encounter with the Arkham Knight, this time he has something much larger than a tank to try and take me out. Don't worry Jim, I'll get you outta there so you can exact your revenge on Scarecrow!

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Thanks for watching, KirbyJuan.

Hey you, yea you with the eyes and reading these words, what're ya doing down here?

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