Clumsy Dog Misses Her Treat

6 years ago

Are you a dog person? If you are, you’ll agree that not many creatures in this world are as precious as out little canine companions! And the cute pooch from this video is by no means an exception, that’s for sure! You absolutely have to check out her funny adventures! As the clip begins, you can see an adorable little dog jumping to get her well-deserved treats. She jumps towards it but then, something hilarious happens. The treat hits her in the face and falls down on the floor! OMG! This cute dog was too excited for her yummy treat that she missed it in the end! How crazy is that? That's a really clumsy pooch! And the best part about this clip is the fact that it’s in super slow motion so that you can see every little detail of this cute pooch’s fail. LOL! Too funny for words, if you ask me!

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