Is it a sin to be proud ?

4 months ago

Is pride a sin in the bible ?
Is it a sin to be proud in the bible ?
Is it a sin to be proud in christianity ?

Is pride a sin in the bible ? Why is earth in such a mess ? Wars, sickness, hate, divorce, separation, loneliness, suicide, suffering, difficulties ? Because someone sinned Who was it ? Satan What did he do ? Think that he was God and that the beauty and intelligence God gave him, he gave it himself . This is pride, seems like nothing but it is the biggest deal . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

God give syou all things, you say i gave myself all things . It is insolence, it is lying, it is stealing , it is idolatry . Men is not God . Is it a sin to be proud in the bible ? The worse sin in the bible is pride . This is also the sin that one continually does . Someone that seals a candy sins one time . A proud person is constantly sinning all day .

Is it a sin to be proud in the christianity ? By self deception one can start to think that they did all they acheived themselves without God It is not true . Satan was created by God his intelligenc ecame from God , his beauty came from God .

It is like a dad gives a car to his son and after a while the son is solinsolent that he tells the dad No dad i bought this car myself . What ungratefulness and lack of love . Earth last day bible channel pass our videos to your friends

Is pride a sin in the bible ? The sin of first place has the same root , instead of giving credit to someone you start to try to thke their place . This is what Satan did , instead of being grateful that God put him leader of the angels , he started to coomplain that he was not introduced in the coucils with Jesus .

Is it a sin to be proud in the bible ? Jealousy, and here we see the chains of sins that all start with prde . Pride, then seeking the first place, then jealousy then murder as Satan killed Jesus because of jealousy . And can you immagine that lost christians say today this sin is light ? It is the worse sin in the bible Is it a sin to be proud in the christianity ? Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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