Israel’s Role In The Artsakh / Nagorno-Karabakh Crisis: A Troubling Legacy

21 days ago

👉 Courtesy: Jerusalem Post

💭 September 19 will mark the first anniversary of the Azerbaijani attack on the disputed enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh, which led to the destruction of its self-rule and compelled the exodus of its entire population of 120,000 ethnic Armenians, who are now refugees. This outrage, and continued aggression by Azerbaijan against Armenians and Armenia, is to a large degree enabled by Israeli drones and other weapons.

As an Israeli, and as a researcher of the history of genocide and antisemitism, this picture makes me deeply ashamed. That’s why I am scandalized by invectives against Armenia like Mordechai Kedar’s recent essay in The Jerusalem Post, which was based on a warped view of its relationship with Iran and falsehoods about alleged antisemitic incidents in the country.

Spreading such misinformation requires a special degree of chutzpah when one lives and works in Israel, which did much to enable the ethnic cleansing of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Consider the consensus in Israel about how Holocaust denial constitutes antisemitism. Well, Kedar is a citizen of a state that has consistently aided the deniers of the Armenian Genocide in multiple ways, by not recognizing it and by pressing for a long time the US Congress and presidents not to recognize it. Israel has been collaborating with such denial because of its political, economic, and military relations with Turkey and Azerbaijan as well as because of concerns that it would somehow undermine the claim for the uniqueness of the Holocaust.

One may argue that this is simply how politics and national anxieties work. Yet if we are consistent, we must nonetheless concede that this is a form of anti-Armenianism. And this anti-Armenianism has to do with the most tragic and devastating point in the history of the Armenian people and because it is state-run anti-Armenianism; imagine if the Armenian state was engaged in Holocaust denial or in supporting explicitly or implicitly Holocaust denial!

Even if one can be concerned about Armenia’s relations with Iran, they are primarily based on geographic and geopolitical necessities, and the reports of a massive weapons deal are lies. To suggest, as Kedar does, that Armenia has turned into an “Iranian proxy” is blatantly ridiculous and genuinely dangerous.

In Israeli and international discourse, the “Iranian proxies” are terrorist groups – Hezbollah, the Houthis, Hamas. The preposterous implication would be that Armenia is on its way to becoming another link in the Axis of Evil. What may be the outcome for Armenia if this kind of discourse is taken seriously – for example, by a Republican White House as impervious as Kedar is to nuances and any consideration that is not from the perspective of Israel’s security?

Quite clearly, Kedar’s rage against Armenia has to do with more than its relations with Iran or the extent of alleged antisemitism within it. For a long time, Israel’s political establishment has held a grudge towards Armenia for showing support for the Palestinian struggle for liberation from the Israeli occupation, and more particularly for a Palestinian state. This grudge is quite evident in Kedar’s mentioning of Armenia’s recognition of “the nonexistent ‘Palestinian state’” and his remark that “anybody who knows the history of the Middle East remembers that Armenians have always supported Palestinian terrorist organizations.”

One can see that according to Kedar, Armenians have always supported terrorism, whether Palestinian or Iranian. If we turn this logic to Israel, we’d be forced to say that Israelis have always supported Turkish and Azeri state terrorism against the Armenians.

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