4 months ago

Mega heavy pythons control, they constrict, twist what is right and can power block, hide, and serpentine majorly tale bear and bring reputational, leader day needless death. I regard this is "toying" with many today in mainly the TV media, famous face but vast powerful culture....Demas ambition, self absorbed, wanting it's own way...and using Christ's Names are their drawing card..while styll playing, many people sabotaging, never confronting. yet talebearing. It's no longer playing safe to go near to many 'worship Holy Spirit wonder working deep moves. Dr Taveau honors 2 Christian pastor seer brothers who did much to "be there" and comfort, to take her part during the worst dysfunctional American and local discovery massively confusing and accused set time period. She honor Dr John E Jones, Keisha Ministries and Rev John Chappell, both outstanding in character, pure heart and wise family feel consisted Christ modeling. Both of which are now up with the Lord, but I wish to honor their wise and meticulous pleasant, humorous names...and take them forward into this new Now Move

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