Tether and the BRICS' central bank digital currencies are creating parallel, de-dollarized economies

5 months ago

Video: Tether and the BRICS' central bank digital currencies are creating parallel, de-dollarized economies. Tether 和金磚國家央行數位貨幣正在創造平行的去美元化經濟


Recent advances in blockchain, tokenization, and distributed ledgers make possible huge volumes of cross-border trade, at near-zero cost, and completely outside the oversight of US and European banking regulators. Ironically, most of the trade is done in US dollars, but entirely outside the US financial system.

Tether is a private issuer of stablecoins pegged 1:1 to the US dollar. Tether has over 300 million users, will soon overtake Visa in transactions volume, and is more profitable than Blackrock. With just over $100 billion in reserves, over $190 billion in daily transaction volume runs their systems.

The US Department of the Treasury has asked Congress for sweeping new powers, in an attempt to regulate the crypto markets that use US dollars as a medium of exchange outside American banks. Treasury officials singled out Tether as the entity of greatest concern.

The BRICS countries, led by China, are tokenizing their vast foreign currency reserves and US dollar holdings. The success we have seen in Tether will explode in orders of magnitude once these CBCD's come fully online, as banks in Hong Kong and Mainland China replace Western ones in the global economy, while using our own currency to do so.

區塊鏈、代幣化和分散式帳本的最新進展使得大量跨境貿易成為可能,成本接近零,並且完全不受美國和歐洲銀行監管機構的監管。 諷刺的是,大部分的貿易都是以美元進行的,但完全在美國金融體系之外進行。

Tether 是一家與美元 1:1 掛鉤的穩定幣私人發行商。 Tether 擁有超過 3 億用戶,交易量很快就會超過 Visa,獲利能力也超過 Blackrock。 他們的系統擁有超過 1000 億美元的儲備,每日交易量超過 1900 億美元。

美國財政部已要求國會授予全面的新權力,試圖監管在美國銀行以外使用美元作為交易媒介的加密貨幣市場。 財政部官員將 Tether 列為最令人擔憂的實體。

以中國為首的金磚國家正在將其龐大的外匯存底和美元持有量代幣化。 一旦這些 CBCD 完全上線,我們在 Tether 上看到的成功將呈數量級爆炸式增長,因為香港和中國大陸的銀行將在全球經濟中取代西方銀行,同時使用我們自己的貨幣來實現這一目標.

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