R.E.D - Freedom Over Fear (Dear Jacinda): Ode to Jacinda Ardern

5 months ago

To the prime minister, since its clear you dont answer to the people, its time we address you directly-

Dear jacinda- when i sit and think-A
All the shit you got us in-ta
Seems theres been no flue ?
This past 2 winters?
Plus theres bin a-
Clear drawn winner-
Want us double jabbed and booster shots
Just to go buy dinner ?

Dear jacinda-
do you think that segregation is fair?
To save our elders who were
locked in homes all last year ?
How dare you desecrate
the sanctity of a funeral-
Try to insinuate that 10 people
Is business as usual?
If we cant celebrate life-
Then are we really alive ?
While you mandate and dictate
We should stay inside?!
Stay home and be kind
Is a phrase hardly aligned-
With encouraging vaxxed to turn
On unvaxxed all the time,
You say dont talk to your neighbors
We're your one source of truth-
Dangle the carrot of travel
Just to coerce the youth,
You guilt trip bribe blackmail and threat,
While silencing reactions
-And censoring regrets,
You say trust the science,
allow one sided discussion,
anyone who doesnt stay quiet,
Has been cut from production,
You paid off our media, 1 by 1
Until only the song you allow is sung,
Quite the conundrum,
A legacy you can't run from,
While the lie is unraveling,
And Fabrications undone-

dear jacinda-
You can threaten me all you like,
You wont break my will,
I wont join your Reich
I wont do as you say,
Wont forsake my rights,
Wont betray my heritage,
My ancestors fight,
The freedom that they bleed for,
I wont let that die,
Make me take that jab?
You'd have to take my life,
You're mistaken if you think
You can push us round,
The cause is not lost
While we're above ground-

Dear jacinda-
Look at the corner you backed us in-ta,
Got me dodging needles like a fucken ninja,
Invalidate my feelings
With this talk of virtue,
Watch the fall from that high horse
It just might hurt you-

How dare you say people
Have informed consent?
Keep pushing and be the cause
Of the peoples descent,
I would have minded my own
If you just left me alone-
Its on the street signs
Letters and texts on my phone,
I know this is ridiculous,
I bet you get a kick from this,
While you make sure
Covid propaganda is ubiquitous-

Dear jacinda-
How the fuck you night?
When you know that these laws
you've passed are just not right-
You give us no choice
But to stand and fight-
These proposals that
take away our right to life !
Ironic right? Cos you passed
The reform to our abortion bill,
That lets full term babies
Be murderer still-
Yeah i support the right to choose
But thats horrid and abhorrent-
While you empower cops
To burst in homes without a warrant-
And you dont even stop
To take a mother fucken breath,
You got agenda 2030
Now in full effect-

So dear jacinda-
Ill say this while i can before
You deem it a hate speech crime
With your hate speech law,
I hope you reep what you sow,
Hope you get what you deserve
A place in history
As twisted and disturbed,
As immoral and merciless
As the socialists before you,
And i pray if god exists
That when you die
That He ignores you-
So you can go where you belong
I see in it your eyes
The devils in you strong
Parcel tounging in disguise-
We the People fear no evil
Look the devil in the eye
Screaming Freedom over fear-
We've had enough of all the lies-
Yes i know my rights,
And i will stand up for mine,
Forced the hand, With all you planned,
Built this back bone behind
The hearts of women and of men,
Those different and alike,
The fury of nation
And match ready to strike-

Stand for something or fall for anything right ?
Well id rather die on my feet than live on my knees,
One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws-
It is said that a person who pays no attention to their freedom and liberty will soon have niether,
Well in the words of gorge orwell
The Moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one...
-dont let it happen...

VIDEO AND TEXT SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm_F46bToFI

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