Street preacher Europe

5 months ago

Street preacher video Europe bible teaching
Bible teaching street preacher streets Europe
Street preacher video sermon Europe

Street preacher video Europe bible teaching Jesus told us to give the truth to others so that they can escape the fires of hell and estape eternal destruction . Unless we do that then the blood of the lost people will be on us . We have the responsability and the privilege to tell others Jesus loves them and they can enter heaven . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

Bible teaching street preacher streets Europe In heaven there will be no more tears, no more death, no more pain, no more destruction . If people do not receive us in a city , Jesus said go to a different city . Many people will accept the truth and will escape eternal hell . Tell others that Jesus loves them, that Jesus has solutions for their problems . That Jesus can heal them .

Street preacher video sermon Europe In the last words of Matthiew Jesus said Preach the gospel to all nations , teaching them all things that i have commanded you . All nations means to not stay in one place . This is a big problem, christians most of them congregate in the American continent . Then how can people listen to the truth if all christians are in the same place ? Earth last day bible channel share our videos with your friends

Street preacher video Europe bible teaching The responsability to spread out is very important . We need to go to all nations all places of the earth Bible teaching street preacher streets Europe Because this is what makes God the most happy that we tell others about his love

This is what the prophet Ellen g White says When it is all said and done then one thing will remain and will have made the heart of Jesus happy The people we have won for him and the work we have done in telling others about the love of Jesus . Street preacher video sermon Europe Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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