Salvation is by grace through faith

6 months ago

Is salvation by grace through faith ?
What does it mean salvation by grace through faith in the bible ?
What does the bible mean when it says salvation is by grace through faith ?

Is salvation by grace through faith ? Yes but most christians act as salvation is by works So few people believe thatthey are saved without the works of the law . God does the works Jesus says my Father does the works .

By grace as we cannot save oursleves, thus works do not gain heaven . Through faith , this is the key faith is what , when we ask God to give us his righteousness the which few people ask God for . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

When we ask Jesus to give us his righteousness , then we receive the power of God to do his will . We cannot do Gods will unless God gives us his righteousness . This can only come by faith . Without faith then we cannot receive Jesus righteousness . Only God has righteousness .

Depending on our own is a wasted christian life as human beings have no goodness, no holiness, no kindness, no love . Only God is good . What does it mean salvation by grace through faith in the bible ? Every impulso to do good comes from God . Earth last day bible channel share our videos with your friends

Every desires to help others comes from God . We have no goodness in us . Even if we worked all day everyday helping others we would still be wicked . Righteousness is a supernaturla power that only God can give .

What does the bible mean when it says salvation is by grace through faith ? Salvation is through faith , not through works . Our part is to believe . Our part is to ask God to give us his righteousness . Then God does the works through is , and gives us his righteousness . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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