Faith if it has not works

4 months ago

What does it mean faith if it has not works is dead in the bible ?
Is faith worth anything it it has not works ?
Is faith without works worth anything in the bible ?

What does it mean faith if it has not works is dead in the bible ? The bible says that God does the works . In the book of acts it says that God worked mightily through the apostles . Jesus says that the Father that dwells in me does the works . The bible says that it is God who works in you both do willl and to do according to his good pleasure . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

Is faith worth anything it it has not works ? Yes as we do not do the works , God does the works through us . The wirks are part of righteousness by faith . God does both in us without us doing it . If we were saved by works then it would not be of faith anymore . It would be salvation by works . If it is by faith then it is no more of works . When we read the bible we need to read in context to see the full picture . Earth last day bible channel pass our videos to your friends

Is faith without works worth anything in the bible ? Some verses seem to say Jesus is not God , but when we read the whole bible we find out that the bible says Jesus is God . What does it mean faith if it has not works is dead in the bible ? The same way some verses seem to say that we do the works . But when we take in context the whole bible , it is teaching that God does the works and gives us his righteousness by faith .

Is faith worth anything it it has not works ? We canot be saved by works if so then it means that Jesus died in vain . As men could save himself . Is faith without works worth anything in the bible ? Yes we believe this is our part ; then God does the works and give sus his righteousness by faith . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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