braking news From Oprah livestream to house parties,

4 days ago

The document details the surge of activism among Black women in support of Vice President Kamala Harris, the first Black woman nominated for president by a major political party. This activism has manifested in various ways, including a virtual rally organized by Oprah Winfrey and "Win With Black Women," which aims to unite Harris supporters across different platforms to turn out the vote. Additionally, Black-centered organizations, such as the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority and the National Council of Negro Women, have launched political initiatives to register Black women and young voters.

The text highlights the emotional impact of Harris' nomination on individuals like DeJuana Thompson, who felt a sense of ancestral pride but also recognized the work ahead. It describes how Harris' candidacy has energized Black women, who have long been a reliable voting bloc for the Democratic Party, and has led to increased support and fundraising efforts for her campaign.

Activists like Hillary Holley, who runs Care in Action, have seen a dramatic shift in donor interest and campaign budget since Harris became the Democratic nominee. Holley's group plans to reach millions of voters in key states, focusing on economic freedom and Harris' policy proposals to encourage support.

The document also discusses the role of Black women in the Democratic Party and their influence on the nomination process. They have been credited with keeping the party focused on diversity and inclusion, as seen in their support for Biden and their insistence on a Black woman being chosen as his running mate.

In North Carolina, a pivotal state in the election, Black women are leading efforts to expand the electorate, with groups like "Woke Vote" and "Red Wine & Blue" engaging in grassroots and relational organizing to mobilize voters. The North Carolina chapter of America Votes is also working to reach an unprecedented number of voters in the state.

Overall, the text underscores the importance of Black women's activism in the 2024 presidential election, their strategic efforts to support Kamala Harris, and their historical role in shaping the Democratic Party's direction.

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