How to understand book of revelation

3 months ago

What is the key to understand the book of revelation in the bible ?
How can i understand the book of revelation in the bible ?
Is there a teahcnique to understand the book of revelation ?

What is the key to understand the book of revelation in the bible ? Spiritual things are spiritually discerned Only God can help us understand the bible . There is no private interpretation in the bible . Beasts bible says are kingdoms Waters RE 17 says are multitudes people tongues . The explanation for the bible is in the bible itself . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

How can i understand the book of revelation in the bible ? Today there are mostly 2 interpretations of the bible . Before the 1800 there was one , the historicist interpretation of bible prophecy . Tye apostles and the protestant reformers used this method which is biblical . Beware of the dispensationalist way of teaching the bible .

Is there a teahcnique to understand the book of revelation ? Peter says people twist the Scriptures to their own destruction . A new way is looking at the bible came around the 1800 It was given by Jesuit priests Lacunza and Rivera for the goal to destroy protestantism . If you can antichrist is not the cahtoli church but someone in the future , you destroy protestantism who had as a goal given from God to expose the men of sin the papacy . Earth last day bible channel pas sour videos to your friends

What is the key to understand the book of revelation in the bible ? The are many lovely cahtolics , but the organisation needs to be given ans the protestant churches died since dispensationslism was given . How can i understand the book of revelation in the bible ? They put everything in the future So its easy for someone to say this will be fulfilled in the future . As none of their prophecy ever came true because it is all in the future .

Is there a teahcnique to understand the book of revelation ? It is a false way of looking at the bible The antichrist is the pope , the days are years, the antichrist is not some men in the future . Jesus will return one time not secretly . Almost everything that has been taught until now has been twisted .

What is the key to understand the book of revelation in the bible ? Paul ,never taught two second comings . Al his folowers and christians of the first centiry who wrote books said Jesus will return one time literally not secretly . How can i understand the book of revelation in the bible ? Read the great controversy Ellen g White and Daniel and the revelation Uriah Smith found in this channel . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe
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