How did the Notre Dame fire start ?

5 months ago

The Paris Notre Dame fire why did it happen ?
Why did the Paris Notre Dame fire happen ?
How did the notre dame church fire start video?

Was this fire Gods judgment? We know that God judges people that have more light this is why we see so much judgments in America where the light of truth and the bible has shone more . How did the notre dame church fire start Like the battle creek sanitariuml caught fire because of iinpenitence and wickedness then there is a time when we pas Gods forbearance that Gods juggments fall . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

But we see that Gods judgments are also coming to Atheists countries . This is why we need to wake up love one other be honest and trrue and humble before it is too late . how did the notre dame church fire start video The time will come the bible says that everything on earth will be destroyed . We need to come to seek God and know Him that loves you so much how did the notre dame church fire start video Jesus does really love you His love for you is very strong and immense.

God cares for you as if you were his only son or daufhter . how did the notre dame church fire start video God thinks about you all the time . God is near you and He knows what you are going through . God is close to your needs how did the notre dame church fire start video Why not seek God now in prayer and reading the bible?

This is the way God wlll reveal Himself to you If you seek God He will be found of you But we need to seek Godf ifrst ? God hides himself . And God only reveals Himself to those who realy want to find Him and persevere in seeking God . The Paris Notre Dame fire why did it happen ?

Ellen G White said that God will destroy the battle creek sanitarium It was the biggest hospital in the world at the time . God had greatly blessed his people The seventh day Adventist church disobeyed the warnings of god Instead of making many small natural health centers where natural remedies would be used . They made one big hospital in disobedience to God .

Why did the Paris Notre Dame fire happen ? Then the doctor was Harvey Kellog known for the Kellog corn flakes one of the greatest doctors of history . But he wrote a book called the living temple in the which wer efalse theories like pantheism. IN Franceand Europe many false theories from Satan are taught like the theory of evolution which is the random certified religion .

How did the notre dame church fire start video? This cannot be blessed of God and when we transgress the law of Jesus then He sends judgments . Let us know that God punishes first and fast his people . Those who do not know God God has more mercy as they never read the bible . Let us repent , seek the truth and be honest and humble less God smite the earth with a plague . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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