The four winds in the book of revelation

3 months ago

What do the four winds in revelation mean ?
What are the 4 winds of revelation 7 in the book of revelation. ?
Who are the 4 angels restraining the winds in revelation 7 ?

What do the four winds in revelation mean ? The book of revelation is the revealing of the future of Jesus . It says it is the revelation of Jesus . Earth last day bible channel spread our videos to your friend

What are the 4 winds of revelation 7 in the book of revelation. ? Winds in the bible means strife wars . The 4 winds means from all parts of the earth angels are restraining that terrible wars and bloodshed does not happen .

Who are the 4 angels restraining the winds in revelation 7 ? But what will happen when those 4 winds will be loosed . Then scenes of wars and destruction will happen on earth like we have never seen before .

What do the four winds in revelation mean ? Soon also the holy Spirit will leave the earth . He is slowly leaving the earth and he so far keeps the hearts of han beings at peach with each other .

What are the 4 winds of revelation 7 in the book of revelation. ? This verse means that one day those 4 angels will let loose the passion of earth . Who are the 4 angels restraining the winds in 7 ? Earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

Interesting that almost the same wording is used in trvelation 9 about not hurting things on earth . We know from Josiah Litch that the angry horse in revelation 9 represents Islam Does Ellen White say that the winds represent Islam also? Yes that is intersting . what do the four winds in revelation 7 represent?

In bible history it is said that God used Islam to punish God s peiple frenquently . The fake people of God . It does not mean that Islam is the right religion as it is not Many Muslims are good and honest but the bible is the truth . what do the four winds in revelation 7 represent?

God cannot have his book become corrupted and say now trust this new book it will not become corrupted. If God cannot be trusted in preserving his early book the bible How can onw trust Him in preserving his so called new book the coran? The bible has never been corupted . what do the four winds in revelation 7 represent?

When someone says that it means they have not studies bible prphecy . It takes time to study bibleprophecy . It is not a one minute thing But it is worth the time to take time to study the bible . what do the four winds in revelation 7 represent? The bilbe is true as many times GOD says things 1000 year sin advance that are very accurate. what do the four winds in revelation 7 represent?

The example is this revelation 7 and the anry horse of revelation 9 in the which God says 2000 years ago that the Ottoman empire would fakk August 11 1840 this came to pass to the very day . We know that no man can tell what wil happen 1000 years in advance to the very day

This means God lives in the futur and God is divine . what do the four winds in revelation 7 represent? Wind represent strife wars But you cna be protected by God and Jesus can be near you and save you from the trobles to come on earth .

Father God please forgive me, come into my heart, please help me to walk with you give me your righteousness please In the name of Jesus amen

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