Which ae the worse sins ?

3 months ago

What are the major sins in Christianity ?
What is the greatest sin in christianity ?
What are the worse sins in the bible ?

What are the major sins in Christianity ? In the bible there is not a hierarchy of worse sin than others . But we can know killing someone is greater than robbing a candy . Earth last day bible channel. Ass our videos with your friends

What is the greatest sin in christianity ? Of we can say the greatest sin is the one which caused all other son's to exist and caused all the suffering and death and sorrow on earth . What is this sin ? Who caused all sufferings to exist ? Satan

What did Satan so to create all sufferings on earth ? Satan became proud . What are the worse sins in the bible ? Satan thought to be like or equal to God .

Satan thought he crested himself . Satan thought that the beauty he has the immense intelligence he has comes from him and not from God .

What are the major sins in Christianity ? The bible calls this a mystery . The mystery of iniquity .Nobody knows why sin appeared and nobody will ever know What is the greatest sin in christianity ?

The prophet Ellen White says sin will ever remain a mystery What are the worse sins in the bible ? Pride is the worse sin in the bible as other sins come from. Pride . Coveting is close to pride . Then a rid person will not want to accept the truth and be dishonest .Earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

what are the major sins in christianity video? This is going to be very different than to what you are used to because most sins are not exposed in churches . In fast most christians do not know what sins is . Pride selfishness unloving unkind these things are not seen as sins . Yet the bible says that we need to belike Jesus loving kind honest

But why doen t the church of preachers speak about these terrible things that is the core of christianity? Something like seeking the first place . Many christians think this is alight thing yet Jesus warns that those who do such things will not enter heaven

what are the major sins in christianity video? It is funny to find that many people want to jump to advanced prhphecy studies yet they lack the basics of bible teachings. Seeking the first place is a large problem as it was the problem of Satan . what are the major sins in christianity video?

Someone can know the bible well but if they are likeSatan in seeking the first place they do not know the basics of christianity of seeing others as better than ourselves they do not know that we need to give God all the glory . They do not understand that we cannot judge according to this world but according to the bible .

what are the major sins in christianity video? Prid eis one of the biggest sin in the bible . It is the sins that made Satan fall it is the sin that is the most unkike God
As being proud is lying and stealing from God When one says i did not when God really did it they steal the glory that belongs to God .

When they are proud they also lie as they say i did not when God does all things they they are also found liars. And the bible says no liars shall have eternal life . what are the major sins in christianity video?

Father God please forgive me, come into my heart, please help me to walk with you give me your righteousness please In the name of Jesus amen

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