Why did coronavirus happen ?

4 months ago

Why did the coronavirus happen ?
Is there a reason why the coronavirus happened ?
Was the coronavirus judgment of God ?

Why did the coronavirus happen ? Many people.think that events happen for no reason . Let us remember pharaoh in the time of Egypt he thought the plagues were random . Earth last day bible channel pass our videos to your friends

Is there a reason why the coronavirus happened ? But even Moses telling pharaoh these were judgments of God . People can be so blond that they do not understand anything .

Was the coronavirus judgment of God ? ,Daniel 12 says the righteous will understand . Nothing happens on earth without reason . The coronavirus is very likely Gods judgment on pelople apathy .

Why did the coronavirus happen ? Many people say through their behaviour that they do not need anything so God answers their behaviour .

Is there a reason why the coronavirus happened ? Behaviour is a prayer Even the behaviour of atheists is a prayer to God When one says I do not need anything God answers the prayer .

When the Jews said may the blood of Jesus be on us . The prayer was answered. And 30 years later Titus came to Jerusalem and destroyed the city and killed 1 million Jews

Was the coronavirus judgment of God ? ,yes only a few drops of Gods judgment are falling on earth . God is warming through these calamities to wake up and turn from evil .

Why did the coronavirus happen ? People do not know what evil is . Unless we know the difference between good and evil we cannot know what sin is .

Is there a reason why the coronavirus happened ? People are uncaring and insolent Apathy is an insolence . Cam you imagine children's telling their parents I do not care about what you give me ?

How would parents feel is children said such a thing ? They would be hurt from the stunning u gratefulness of their children. Was the coronavirus judgment of God ? Earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

Earthlastday.com - why is coronavirus happening in the world right now
The Bible says God will judge wicked people Does God love us? Yes but there is a limit to the wickedness that people can do God is patient, and this patience people assume that God is not doing anything as we see many times

wicked people do wicked things a long time and nothing happens The Bible says Ecclesiastes 8 11 Because sentence against an evil deed is not pronounced speedly the heart of man are fully et in them to do evil why is coronavirus happening in the world right now?

Just because people become more proud more selfish more unloving more uncaring, it does not mean that God is not noticing Angels record all our deeds words actions we will meet them in the judgment why is coronavirus happening in the world right now?

The mostwicked thing people are doing is not believing in truth anymore this is very very offensive. There is absolute truth When we talk about colors, food this is personal taste, when we talk about absolute topics why is coronavirus happening in the world right now?

Like do humans have 2 legs do most cars have 4 wheels this is an absolute. Opinion has nothing to do in this? Poeple today think that they can decide what is truth and false Many since about the Obama administration think that they have the right to decide what is truth and error why is coronavirus happening in the world right now?

It would mean that they think that they are God, it means that people have become so wicked and so far from God and so much influenced by evil angels that they have believed a very offensive lie why is coronavirus happening in the world right now?

You and me we are not God we did not create the universe thus we cannot decide what is truth and error We are born in this world and we are here to seek truth If we do not believe the truth then the verdict is simple the person is a liar why is coronavirus happening in the world right now?

Realize this as this is extremely important do not offend God anymore by thinking that you can decide truth Why is coronavirus happening Have you made planets earth? No then you cannot decide what is truth Abandone this wicked idea unless more judgments fall on earth why is coronavirus happening in the world right now?

Other sins is most people have become uncaring unloving this has gone to far no love no compassion no tenderness no natural affection This means you humans have goe too far into sin Why is coronavirus happening? You know sin is not so much killing as this is a pretty rare event why is coronavirus happening in the world right now?


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