The United States bible prophecy end times

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The United States bible prophecy end times
Does the bible speaks about the United States in prophecy ?
Is there a prophecy in the bible about the United States ?

The United States bible prophecy end times In the bible it says that a power will help the first beast that most reformers identified as the papacy . This second power found in revelation 13 it says will give its power to the first beast . And it will make miracles on earth so much as to send fire on earth . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

Does the bible speaks about the United States in prophecy ? This second beast arrives it says around 1798 When the papacy or the 1260 years of papal persecution ends . This power will start like a Lamb Jesus is the Lamb of God . Humble honest kind loving merciful . But this power the bible says will end up like the Dragon Is there a prophecy in the bible about the United States ?

Who is the Dragon in the bible ? It is Satan . This country will become so satanic according to the bible and early Seventh day Adventist pioneer understanding that it will cause the whole world to worship the papacy and Satan . God gave power to the Jews he gave them the Torah and the truth . Many Jews were loving and kind . But they ended up to be so wicked that Jesus said

the last time he entered the temple in Jerusalem You shall not see me until you shall say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord . The United States bible prophecy end times Jesus was saying this is the last time you see me and i walk among you, until the second coming . This was the edn of probation for the Jews As a nation they had rejected God , they had killed the prophets, they had crucified Jesus . Then then went so far in sin that it was the limit of Gods forbearance .

Does the bible speaks about the United States in prophecy ? God divorced himself from the Jewish nation . The same thing will happen to the United States They will go so far in sin that they will pass the limit also . Only God knows the limit but everyone and every country has a limit . When they pass this limit the judgments of God fall on them . When will United States pass the limit ?

Prophet Ellen G White says When United stated do away with the law of God and pass a sunday law then nationl apostsy will end up in national ruin . Is there a prophecy in the bible about the United States ? Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

Usa has been sent by God to preach all over the world Usa is prosperous and God is doing so because He wants Usa to send the truth to the world united states bible prophecy end times

RE 12 says God opened Europe and christians fled to the Usa for religious freediom. Bible says that the lamblike horn beast USA will speak like a beast America not only USA is the place where true christians are that do believe the bible is absolute and

that God speaks thtough agencies to send the truth to the world. Europe has big problems it is filled with atheism so strong ppeople have been deceived by evil angels. Study these books they are stunning they can change your life they contain the most stupendous truths you have ever read in your life. united states bible prophecy end times

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