What does stupid mean in the bible?

3 months ago

What does stupid mean in the bible?
What does the world stuoid mean in the bible ?
What is the real meaning of the word stupid in the bible ?

What does stupid mean in the bible? God did not make anybody stupid . People become stupid by their own choice . Many very educated people are very stupid . The prophet Ellen g White used the word stupid . Stupid means the person cannot see the truth . They are so gone in lies and dishonesty that one can show them the truth and they do not understand . One good example in the bible is Pharaoh . Pharaoh was shown many miracles rom God . Earth last day bible channel pass our videos to your friends

Even after all those miracles that dhowed that God was stronger than he was . He was so arrogant and so blind to the truht then he still went after the people of Istael and God killed them all . This is a very good eaxample of stupid . Inteligent people cna be stupid . It is possible that Pharaoh was intelligent . But stupid means the person lacks understanding , the person lacks wisdom . What does the world stuoid mean in the bible ?

What is the real meaning of the word stupid in the bible ? Only God can give understanding , only honest have understanding and honesty can only come from God . Pharaoh saw the hail destroy the crops destroy all the animals . Pharaoh saw that God could make water as blood, God did make his rod to eat his serpents . And yet he was so stupid he went after the people of God . This is like a dog going after a lion . If he does it is not going to go well .

What does stupid mean in the bible? When a little animal goes after a bog animal it ends up very bad . This is called stupid Doing something as if the person had no brain . Most people on earth are stupid . They see the truth of God they see that God hates pride, selfishness, dishonesty, lying, arrogance, insolence, yet they do these things And society as a whole is filled with these things .

What does the world stuoid mean in the bible ? Todays society is like Pharaoh they go after God as if God could not destroy them . But the bible says that the wicked shall be as if they have never been .

What is the real meaning of the word stupid in the bible ? Stupid is people judging by apparence . They judge an appel to be a banana and end up being liars . We need to be careful with what judgment we meet as with what judgment we meet it shall be meeted to us again . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

What is the meaning of stupidity Stupidity is to judge things without knowing what we are talking about what does stupid mean in the bible It is a great thing today but people are becoming less and less intelligent They use their brain less to decide things and search they come very fast to conclusions and are becoming more and more stupid The BIble says do not judge yet christianity is filled with people who judge others what does stupid mean in the bible

The BIble says judge righteouss judgment we can judge according to the bible but we cant judge according to the world as the world does not know anything what does stupid mean in the bible What Does the Bible Teach About Judging and Why Does It Matter to Know? what does stupid mean in the bible

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