Kent Hovind 100 reasons why evolution is stupid

4 months ago

Kent Hovind ministry
Kent Hovind 100 reasons why evolution is stupid
Why is evolution not random according to the bible ?
Is evolution random according to the holy bible ?

Kent Hovind 100 reasons why evolution is stupid A magician can make a rabbit appear from a hat but this is the same thing evolution teaches that things appear for no reason ? In the view of the bible we know that God is the Creator and there is a cause . But for the theory of evolution there is no cause . Things appear for no reason , out of nowhere, from nothing . This is not more scientific than a magician turning a hat into a rabbit . Earth last day bilble channel pass our videos to your friends

Why is evolution not random according to the bible ? Evolution is the random certified religion . Things do not eppear for no reason ? Can a car appear for no reason Can a television appear for no reason ? Can a telephon appear for no reason ? Then nothing can appear unless it is planned Is evolution random according to the holy bible ? Can natural selection plan anytuing No

Some people go so far as to say nothing needs to be planned .Then of it is not planned it is magic Prove ranom appearance of things is different than magic . In Kent Hovind 100 reasons why evolution is stupid amazing teacher of truth . We find that we cannot have a watch without someone decidig the size of the watch, the color of the watch, the shape of the watch, the material used for the watch . Who decides these things in evolution .

The elephant has the size of its hand for no reason ? Why is it no bigger ? Why is it not smaller ?
Why is evolution not random according to the bible ? You do not know ? Then it looks like evolution is not very much of a science As science is what we can prove demonstrate and test .
Is evolution random according to the holy bible ?

Kent Hovind 100 reasons why evolution is stupid Who choose how many colors we can have ? Who choose the size of the earth ? Random ? Who chose the speed of rotation of earth ? Random as ok but why do you call it science when you believe it is very much like Hudinins magic ? Why is evolution not random according to the bible ? Variations exist as God knew we would need to adapt We adapt to climate ect . This is not evolution this is adaptation the creature reamains the same creature . Is evolution random according to the holy bible ? Earth last day bilble channel like and suscribe

Evolution only exists in the mind it is not a reality
Things don t pop up into existence for no reason
Things don't appear without being planned and designed

Can natural selection plan? No can natural selection think? NO Does natural selection have intelligence? NO Where did natural selection get the material to make things animals? It cannot why is evolution not random video

Your shoe car building pc phone television are designed they have colors, shapes, sizes, functions These are designed before they are created why is evolution not random video Things that are shoes pens pants anything created has to be planned and designed before they exits

They are planned by an intelligent mind, they are designed by an intelligent being If they are not designed they cannot exist as someone has to plan the color the sape the size the function why is evolution not random video

There is no such thing as random changes even natural selection nobody can prove that it is not guided by God Natural selection is the method by which God helps us adapt Adaptation is not evolution it is just adaptation why is evolution not random video
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