RE lawrence krauss vs ray comfort Atheist delusion movie

3 months ago

RE Lawrence Krauss vs Ray Comfort Atheist delusion movie
Ray Comfort vs Laurence Krauss Atehsits delusiion movie re
RE Laurence Krauss and Ray Comfort in atheist delusion movie

RE Lawrence Krauss vs Ray Comfort Atheist delusion movie In this clip Laurence Krauss thinks he is refuting the christian argument of the banana As he says that they were man adapted to be in this shape .

But this not prove evolution , in fact this proves creation as it proves it requires a brain to make something a certain way . As Ray Comfort vs Laurence Krauss Atehsits delusion movie re evolution teaches that things appear from nothing for no reason from nowhere . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

So how can things appear from nothing if Laurence Krauss says that the banan is shaped in such a way because men those it to be so . Then in RE Laurence Krauss and Ray Comfort in atheist delusion movie it does not adress the question of rxisting . The banana was adapted by men , but did it appear from men ? No it was created it was designed .

The same way men could have planned the shape of the banana , so every creature and everything in the universe is shaped by planning . Randomness cannot create anything , but it is funny that Laurene Krauss says banana required planning when he and most atheists claim that evolution does not require plannitg, things just appear like the rabbit appears from a hat in a magic show .

RE Lawrence Krauss vs Ray Comfort Atheist delusion movie Creation is not a magic show it is the beautiful expression of Gods love . To lessen the fantastic expression of Gods love to a random process is very disturbing . People who do such things must be spoiled brat that do not distinguish the valor of things . They do not realize how much power and beauty there is in nature

Ray Comfort vs Laurence Krauss Atheists delusiion movie re Randomness cannot create anything Even what we call random things was created by God chance was created by God An engine to exist needs to be planned and all parts of the engine need to be present at the same time for the engine to function . All things were created by God and for God . And without Jesus nothing was created that was created . RE Laurence Krauss and Ray Comfort in atheist delusion movie Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe - RE lawrence krauss vs ray comfort video youtube

This is a video to answer Laurence Krauss mistakes in his conversation with Ray Comfort We see that his belief is religious Laurence Krauss uses his science diploma to use his opinion as science. This does not work our opinions never become science as they cannot be proven. - RE lawrence krauss vs ray comfort video youtube

If we believe something then we have to prove it. Things don't apear by chance for no reason. Laurence krauss says snowflakes are made by laws. This is an opinions and not science this is only his random religious belief - RE lawrence krauss vs ray comfort video youtube

Laurence Krauss says laws of physics and nature make things. This is a religious statment as laws are made by intelligence Laws never evolve Laws are planned and a lawmaker puts the laws in place . - RE lawrence krauss vs ray comfort video youtube

Unless planning in involved nothing exists Natural selection has no brain no intelligence thus it could not make anything Laurence krauss vs ray comfort Evolution is the belief in magic things don't pop up into existence for no reason - RE lawrence krauss vs ray comfort video youtube

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