RE Richard Dawkins admits to intelligent design

4 months ago

RE Richard Dawkins admits to intelligent design
Richard Dawkings admits there is intelligent design
Does Richard Dawkings believe in intelligent design ?

RE Richard Dawkins admits to intelligent design I think Richard Dawkings only said that he can see life and intelligence in cells . That could not come from random processes . But i do not understand why he does not believe that the rest of creation comes by chance . We know all things were created by intelligence and nothing can exist unless it is planned . Can a car exist without being planned ? No Can a building exist unless it is planned ? No Can a shoe exist unless it is planned ? No Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

Richard Dawkings admits there is intelligent design All things ti exist need to be planned. Before someone makes a car he needs to decide and plan many things Does Richard Dawkings believe in intelligent design ? These things need to come from reasoning power and intelligence . Without intelligence no one can create a car . As how could someone decide the length of the car ? How can someone desice the color of the car ? How can someone desice the shape of the car ? It would be inpossible

RE Richard Dawkins admits to intelligent design But evolution says that things come without intelligence, without reasoning power , without planning . Can you take a trip without planning ? No Can you design a doll without planning how tall it is going to be ? Which color it is going to be ? No Can you design a doll without having the basic material to do it ? No then how could natural selection make the universe ?

Richard Dawkings admits there is intelligent design Natural selection has no brain, it has no planning , it has no reasoning power . Then the theory of evolution is really the random certified religion . It is a religion as by and through faith people believe things apear from nowhere . From nothing , for no reason . Does Richard Dawkings believe in intelligent design ? Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

Here also we have the proof that most scientists are into a cultic random religion that has no basis in science Richard Dawkins says that he does not know where life came from Richard Dawkins admits to intelligent design

he says nobody knows where life came from We can conclude that evolution scientists are artists being payed for no reason to teach something nobody knows is true RE Richard Dawkins admits to intelligent design

Nothing can arrive by chance for no reason this is magic like hudini s magic Nothing exist without being planned beforehand Things don t appear for no reason all things need to be planned before they exist RE Richard Dawkins admits to intelligent design

Your phone pc tv car flat house are designed and planned before they arrive your phone has a color shape functions these dont come by chance RE Richard Dawkins admits to intelligent design

Can natural selection think no can natural selection plan no does natural selection have a brain no then it cannot make anything as it cannot plan and it cannot think RE Richard Dawkins admits to intelligent design

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