Bible Study: Who's Got The Holy Spirit?

5 months ago

This week find out why Epaphroditus and Trophimus are important for understanding the Holy Spirit, and Gospel of Grace for today! Learn how the Holy Spirit came in the past and how He's operating today. And why! Why are miracles not happening like they did in Acts? And what's God's purpose for today?

We'll examine the spirit (Spirit) that empowered Old Testament characters and prophets like Joseph in Egypt, and Balaam's ass! Hear about the so-called "Yahwist", "Elohist", and "Priestly" scribal traditions. We'll contrast the Spirit upon David and Saul. Discover the signs and wonders Acts versus the work of Spirit in Paul's epistles.

"Charity" is the key in God's eternal purpose in us by Christ. The Spirit is doing a work in us by the faith and obedience of Christ, manifest by charity, and miracles, signs and wonders just don't fit. Instead He empowers us to obedience, good works, and perfection of the righteousness of The Law that God promised to Abraham in Genesis 17:1.

Finally, hear how we can demonstrate a charitable walk to unbelievers today, and how those who do may demonstrate it to Israel in the future!

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