is rap music destroying the world

4 months ago
22 - is rap music destroying the world This is amazing the fact that nobody talks about this . This is stunning . The bible says that we need to be like Jesus is rap music destroying the world ? But today christianity thinks to be a christian is to follow rules and it is ok to be rude selfish unloving unkind as long as one follows some church rules .

is rap music destroying the world ? The bible says that to be a christian is to be like Jesus humble kind honest loving sincere is rap music destroying the world ? Are we going to believe Jesus who said learn of Me for I am meek and lowly and you shall find rest for your souls Attitude is sin hurting others is a sin we have to be considerate of peoples feelings

christianity is not having a church membership but being a christian is to be like Jesus is rap music destroying the world ? Rap music followers often are rude unkind arrogant and these things have nothing to do in the church of Jesus We know the churches are corrupt and we need to be students of the bible to know that only a remnant shall be saved. is rap music destroying the world ? Now is the time to seek to be like Jesus before it is too late.

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