Is there absolute truth in the bible ?

4 months ago

Is there absolute truth in the bible ?
What is the definition of absolute truth ? Is there anything absolute according to the bible ?

Is there absolute truth in the bible ? many people today believe nothing is absolute . They believe that we can all decide what truth is. They can make up their own truth .
What is the definition of absolute truth ? the only way this could be possible is that that person would be the creator .Earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

Is there anything absolute according to the bible ? As only God can decide and make truth . To say nothing is absolute is to create an absolute . Nothing is absolute ? well saying that makes it a dogma and an absolute statement .

Is there absolute truth in the bible ? Do most humans have 2 legs? yes Then this is an absolute . it is absolutely true that most humans have 2 legs .Is it absolute that the sky is blue and the grass green in most places on earth ? yes this is absolute .

What is the definition of absolute truth ? for something to be not absolute would mean that it is dependent on human beliefs , human reasoning. But then blue sky is it dependent on human reasoning ? no Humans have 2 legs is it dependent on human reasoning . no

Is there anything absolute according to the bible ? So if something is not dependent on human reaspning then it is absolute truth . What is absolute is opposite from personal opinion .

of you like tomatoes is it absolute or opinion ? it is opinion as it depends on personal taste . If you like heavy metal is it dependent on your personal taste or is it absolute ? it is absolute .

Is there absolute truth in the bible ? absolute topics are not dependent on personal opinions . music food travel taste in friends . This is personak opinion . When we talk about something that is not dependent on personal opinion like Is there a God ? Is there heaven and hell ? is the bible true ?

These topics are either true or false . they are not dependent on personal opinion . What is the definition of absolute truth ? it is like saying is there a mountain In front of you ?

one can say No there is no mountain . But this is personak opinion that can be refuted by a picture that proves there is a mountain . Is there anything absolute according to the bible ? earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

Is there absolute truth in the bible ? Or can we lie ? Is there absolute truth in the bible ? Or can we lie ? There is such a thing as absolute truth the world today believes anyone can make their own truth this is a lie Your sincerity will.mot make a lie truth it remains a lie God is truth Is there absolute truth in the bible ? Or can we lie ?

The bible is truth. Your word is truth humans don't decide truth humans only follow truth If you follow today's society that says there is no absokute truth you are offending God As humans did not create the universe this they cannot invent truth humans cannot create truth Humans only seek truth. Those who are honest will follow truth those who are dishonest will reject truth. On which side will you be ?

Of you follow thruth then you going against the current of this world which believes the lie that there is no such thing as absolute truth In saying that they say it is ok to lie Is there absolute truth in the bible ? Or can we lie ? There iis such a thing as absolute truth as A car is absolute someone can think the car is a bacycle but it wil not make it so .

Why? Because we can prove test and demonstrate that the car is a car and not a bicycle . Is there absolute truth in the bible ? Believing that the car is a icycle will make the person a liar . As truth comes from God . Humans cannot invent or create truth Humans can only seek what truth us . Is there absolute truth in the bible ? Yes the bible is absolute because God is the author of truthThe bible has many prophecies that prove their origin from God No human can tell us 1000 years in advance what will happen If God can then 1 God live sin the futur 2 God is divine 3 The bible is true

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