Who is the woman of revelation 12 in the bible ?

3 months ago

Who is the woman of revelation chapter 12 ?
Can you explain who is the woman of revelation chapter 12 !
is the woman of revelation chapter 12 the virgin Mary ?

Who is the woman of revelation chapter 12 ? it says that this woman goes in the wilderness for 1269 days . Did Mary go in the desert for 1260 years ? no First let us establish that a woman in bible prophecy is a church . Earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

Paul says I have married you the woman to Jesus as unto a chaste and pure woman . Paul compares the woman to the church .

Paul says as a chaste and pure woman . the woman in bible prophecy is a church . Whether the pure church of the false church .
Can you explain who is the woman of revelation chapter 12 ? In the old testament Gkd says I have compared Zion or the church as u to a comely woman . Here again we have the confirmation that a woman in prophecy is the church .

is the woman of revelation chapter 12 the virgin Mary ? In the bible there are 2 churches Revelation 12 is the true church Revelation 17 and 18 is the false church Babylon .

Who is the woman of revelation chapter 12 ? Many preachers say that there is one church only . But they forget that in the tines of Paul there always only one church .

this is why when Paul says The church he is talking about the only church in his times . Paul also says that grievous wolves shall come in among you not sparing the flock . and that they will reach perverse things . A false church was about to come .

Can you explain who is the woman of revelation chapter 12 ? Today there are 2 churches or 2 grupos . The group of Revelation 12 The keep the commandments . the Sabbath . they have the testimony of Jesus which re 19 10 says is the spirit of prophecy .

they preach the 3 angels messages . they preach the sanctuary message . This is the 3 angels movement or the remnant church . or the seventh day Adventist church . is the woman of revelation chapter 12 the virgin Mary ? no

on the other side is the woman of revelation 17 and 18 . This so the false church . She is the mother called Babylon. She has daughters .
Who is the woman of revelation chapter 12 ? Reformers like marrin Luther Calvin have identified her as the Catholic church . The three angels message says the daughters are the fallen protestant churches .

Can you explain who is the woman of revelation chapter 12 ? these are all Sunday protestant churches They have rejected the 1 st angels message of revelation 14 . The revelation of Jesus says that when this rejection happened they fell .

is the woman of revelation chapter 12 the virgin Mary ? Israel in Romans 11 is said to have fallen from Hods grace and fallen from the truth. Those churches have accepted Jesus but have rejected truth . the rejection of truth makes a spiritual fall . Earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

Which church do you belong to ? What is the revelation 12 church in the bible Jesus says there are two churches we can belong to Most christians say I am a christian it is enough Jesus say it is a lie as Jesus says there are two churches The revelation. 12 church is the pure church

The revelation. 17 church is the harlot babylon What is the revelation 12 church in the bible Most people most christians are in babylon What is the revelation 12 church in the bible It is very important to know which church you belong to as if you are in babylon then you will receive the mark of the beast and will end up in hell Study this channel and ellen g white books to know in which church you belong and what to do to enter the true church

What is the revelation 12 church in the bible We can find out who this church is as some signs of the revelation 12 church is that they Keeo the commandments of God they have the Testimony of Jesus they preach the 3 angels message They preach the sanctuary message What is the revelation 12 church in the bible is the opposite of the false churches called babylon Babylon is the mother and she has daughter s.

It is know that the mother is the papacy and the daughters are the protestant churches that fell when the first angels message was given What is the revelation 12 church in the bible As revelation 14 says after the first angels is given that babylon is fallen . What is the revelation 12 church in the bible Read the great controversy Ellen g White and Uriah Smith Daniel and the revelation

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