How to Overcome Pornography Addiction Through Christ

5 months ago

Learn how to overcome pornography addiction by the power of the cross. After struggling with pornography addiction for the first 11 years of being a born again Christian, Jesus delivered me from my addiction by opening my eyes to the Truth of what He had done for me at the cross. In this video, I share my testimony of how He did it and explain the Truth that He showed me. Bottom line, it's not about what YOU do. It's about what JESUS has DONE. Rely on the finished work of the cross and know that the power sin had over you was crucified with Christ on the cross, setting you free from you addiction and giving you access to the overcoming power of the Holy Spirit. When you are tempted, don't evaluate whether you've done the right works to overcome and don't try to overcome yourself. Instead, REST in the knowledge that your Savior has already overcome for you. Look to what HE has done and KNOW that because Jesus already won this battle for you, the Holy Spirit will give life to your mortal body, giving you not only the position, but the experience, of being dead indeed unto sin but alive unto God through Jesus Christ (Romans 6:11).

00:00 How to Overcome Pornography Addiction
01:45 Growing up in Church
02:28 Testimony of Being Born Again
09:20 Falling Back Into Sin
13:53 Seeking Victory Through Word of Faith
19:57 Trying Other Things for Victory
26:14 The Vicious Cycle of Defeat
33:32 Delivered From Pornography Addiction

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