Does the bible say we can judge others ?

2 months ago

Can we judge by apparence in the bible ?
Does the bible teach we can judge others ?
Is it ok to judge others according to the bible ?

Can we judge by apparence in the bible ? The bible says that men judges by what they see outside God looks at the heart .This means that the result of these 2 judgments are totally opposite . Earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

When they were looking for a king in Israel the father of David sent all his son's except David .But God said this is the one I want .from a human point of view he would he the last person men would.chooae.

Does the bible teach we can judge others ? This means that often people chose people to lead them from the appaprence only . Is it ok to judge others according to the bible ? Even as we know that God puts leaders that the people deserve

Can we judge by apparence in the bible ? If we judge someone by their clothes then we will make mistake in judgment . To judge correctly we need to have all the information to come to a correct outcome

Does the bible teach we can judge others ? This is why many people will not enter heaven as they judge. by what people are doing and they say bible is not true because of what christians do . This is judging by apparence.

Is it ok to judge others according to the bible ? In Noah s times people judged by what the majority was doing . They thought if the leaders of the world think Noah flood is false then they did not believe the flood was real

They forget that God is very original and works in unusual ways . Earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

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