Can we worship human reason or should we obey the Holy Spirit ?

2 months ago

Can we worship human reason or should we obey the Holy Spirit ?
Should we trust human reason or is it better to follow the bible ?
Should i trust the bible or human reasoning ?

Can we worship human reason or should we obey the Holy Spirit ? The bible says that people today follow as in the times of Noah human reasoning and not the bible . People trust themselves,this is arrogance and it shows people departs from the truth little by little . Humanity is starting more and more to worship themselves Slef worship is idolatry . Earth last day bible channel pass our videos to your friends and read the blog

Should we trust human reason or is it better to follow the bible ? This comes from arrogance nad pride . People in their blindness love themselves so much and are so self deceived that they worship human reason . Should i trust the bible or human reasoning ? No because the bible says He that trusts in his own heart is a fool .

And the fool has said in his heart, there is no God . Can we worship human reason or should we obey the Holy Spirit ? When someone goes so far from God , they start to see themveles as enough to know how to walk . It is lika a sailor who would not use his instruments anymore but would trus this reasoning powers to know where he is in the middle of the sea .

Should we trust human reason or is it better to follow the bible ? As the human brain is not strong enough to know where he is in the middle of the sea , how much less could he know where he is in the middle of the ocean of life . There is a good reaosn why God gave us the bible . Should i trust the bible or human reasoning ? No and the bible is the guide to tell us where to go and where we are going , Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

Our society is in great danger of falling into the hands of the living God Worshiping human reason or obeying the Holy Spirit Did you know tht someone can go so far in offending God that judgments can fall on that person or country ? Humans cannot offend God is saying they can explain the bible by themselves.

They cannot offend God by saying that their thoughts impressions and feelings are true When we know that the heart of human is corrupt and wicked Worshiping human reason or obeying the Holy Spirit People all over the world are giving men the praise and glory they think they can explain and twits the bible around to fit their own deceived and dishonest and proud hearts worshiping human reason or obeying the Holy Spirit

This is very offensive to God as if there is one thing we cannot do and get away with it is to take the words God says and twist them to our own understanding , not even wanting to find out what God said .

We cannot worship men when the bible says We are but men, we are only men . Small insignificant creatures on earth ready to perish and go back to the grave. God is the one who send the bible because we cannot understand truth , we cannot create truth worshiping human reason or obeying the Holy Spirit If we could create truth then there would be no need ot the bible .

If we could understand the bible without the Holy Spirit then God would not have send the Holy Spirit. worshiping human reason or obeying the Holy Spirit Let us go back to worship God understanding that human reasoning is worthless The greatest minds on earth the sicentists even with all their amazing intelligence conclude and reason and come to the belief that all things came from nothing and from evolution . How great a prof we have from modern science that human reasoning is worthless

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