Are we under the law or under grace according to the bible ?

5 months ago

Are we under the law or under grace according to the bible ?
Does the bible teach that we are saved by grace of by the law ?
Are we saved by the law or by grace according to the bible ?

Are we under the law or under grace according to the bible ? The bible teaches that we are saved by grace without the works of the law. It does not mean that the law is not valid anymore .

It means that through faith when we ask him God gives us his righteousness and as Jesus said The works that i do the Father does through me . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

Does the bible teach that we are saved by grace of by the law ? On one side the sunday churches teach a false righteousness by faith message saying there is no law, yet they say they need grace . On the other side the truth church the seventh day Adventist church has the true message of God called the 3 angels message

But some have gone from the true righteousness by faith message given to them And some pastors are legalists. Paul says clearly if it is by works then it is not more of faith . Then it means that the vese We are saved by works also means something else . Are we saved by the law or by grace according to the bible ?

Are we under the law or under grace according to the bible ? In this verse it does not say humans do the works as we see many times in the bible God teaches us that he is the one who does the works .Does the bible teach that we are saved by grace of by the law ? Let us note that this righteousness is only given to those who undestand this message, and ask God for his rightousness .

Are we saved by the law or by grace according to the bible ? While you believe to have righteousness in yourselves you are unconverted as only those who see the sinfulnes sof sin and their own wicked hearts can they see the need of Jesus righteousness . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

Under the law of under grace What doess the bible teach us about under the law or under grace . Paul says we are not under the law . Yet Paul says also i had not known sin unless the law said you shall not covet. Also it says by the law is the knowldege of sin We see that the law cannot be done away as sin still exists today .

Under the law or under grace Under the law was Jews had to bring animal sacrifices and bring the bloog to the temple and kill an animal they were under the law . Does it mean that because we do not have to do sacrifices that we do not have to keep the ten commandments ?

No Under the law or under grace. Under grace does it means we do not keep the comandments by faith in Jesus through his power ? No Under grace means that Jesus does the works through us and his righteousness is enough for us .

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