Come out of her my people Charles Fitch

5 months ago

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Come out of her my people Charles Fitch This was the definitine time when the second angels message was given Those 3 angels messages is the most important message that will decide the destiny of the world Come out of her my people Charles Fitch When William Miller gave the 1st angels message all churches rejected and thus became babylon This sermon is when that time arrived Come out of her my people Charles Fitch Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

This sermon marks the incredible time when the churches fell and God proclaimed the second angels message of revelation 14 . In Charles Fitch come out of her my people audiobook sermon it is like when a president is ouste dout of his presidency by the people who do not want him aymore and a new regime starts . Here we see that the churches have received a message called the 3 angels message .

What is the fall of babylon in the bible ? When this message was given all churches rejected Gods new light . And they fell in darkness . The church stands on the truth, when she rejects the truth she falls in darkness . When a church no longer teaches the whole truth of the bible but accept many teachings from paganism and false doctrines . She has drank of the wine of Babylon Earth last day pas sour channel to your friends

She can no more be called the church of God . She has fallen . Who are the daughters of babylon in the bible ? She has fallen from the truth into darkness . The daughters of babylon ressemble the mother . Revelation 18 says they have become the house of Demons . Can it is teh false religions like Hinduism, Bouddhism ? No as they are pagan and most christians believe the people are very nice , but the teachings were always filled with demons .

In Charles Fitch come out of her my people audiobook we learn that the only religions organisaitons who can become from holy to a house of demons are christian churches . Learning what is the fall of babylon in the bible ? We know that the papacy is the mother Babylon But what most people do not know is that the daughters who cae out from the mother church, or the sunday protestant churches are also babylon .

In learning who are the daughters of babylon in the bible ? We learn that God s last message is the three angels message . It is the last message for planet earth . When all churches rejected the 1 st angels message , they became babylon also as the catholic church their mother . This sermon given by Charles Fitch signs the time when the second angels message of revelation 14 was given . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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