Sarabjeet with Dr Susan Raj

5 months ago

Explain the concept of Health and Prosperity
1. What is Health and Prosperity? (Definition) The only destinations human being needs to reach are “Health – स्वास्थ्य” & “Prosperity – संमृद्धि” It is most important to maintain the sequence of achieving. First has to be Health and then only go for Prosperity. When these two are achieved, happiness (Love + Joy + peace + Enlightenment) comes and humans ultimate reward is to dwell in happiness.
2. How it can be achieved: This reward is achieved by following the Nature’s Law which is regulated to maintain the Balance. What is Law of Nature? “Cycle of life” is the first law of nature. It is created by God the creator who has tied the time and allowed the energy to flow within this limited frame work, converting this energy to power
Cells are Designed to Detox:
We need to maintain it in best capacity. Only in two states, this detox capacity can be disturbed.
1. Excess toxin entering in the cells: It happens when the inner line of the intestine is destroyed by food, liquids, side effects of medications, stress toxins, vaccine toxin etc.
2. Poor cell structure due to malnourishment: Deficiency of Protein, vitamins or minerals in the food,

In case of any symptoms of excess toxins are shown by your cells then communicate with your doctor within you, that is your cells and then provide the right tools to work efficiently to remove the toxins 👇
Cells are Designed to Detox, every toxin stimulates the immune system and develops natural immunity to all those who are in contact with the person whose cells could not oxidise the toxin. Instead of creating panic situation of contact tracing , give immune boosting herbs to all
Cells Detox by electrical, mechanical and chemical methods. It manages even when we fail to help with electrical and mechanical methods. But the moment even one chemical method also is disturbed, it will call out with symptoms of fever, pain, inflammation etc.
Therefore, all those who are in contact with the person whose cells did not get right help to restore self healing system, must take, 80% sun cooked food & 20% cooked food in the form of juice and have plenty of coconut water & warm water. Add Dioxygen chloride in their juice.
Endocrine cells are detoxed with mind power. The mind power is build by information converting into thoughts and connecting to positive emotions to get dopamine, oxitosin, serotonin, feel well neurotransmitters. Which removes the toxins efficiently. Stress hormones, holds toxins

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