Faith and works Ellen g White audiobook

3 months ago

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Faith and works Ellen g White audiobook
Are we saved by faith alone the bible ?
Are we saved by works in the bible ?

Faith and works Ellen g White audiobook Are we saved by works? Are we saved by faith ? By faith yes as if we were saved by works then Jesus would not need to die for us as all beings could achieve salvation through their works . Faith and works Ellen g White audiobook This is the most important topic in the bible righteousness by faith As if we think we are saved by works then we are still lost Faith and works Ellen g White audiobook Earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

Faith and works Ellen g White audiobook This is the most important topic in the bible and not understanding righteousness by faith makes one a mean judgmental lost christian . Or any person in the world if they are legalisms and many atheists are legalisms are lost and abuse others. No one is good, no one has righteousness , no work will amount to anything in Gods judgment . We are not saved by works also as Jesus said his works come by the Father .

Are we saved by faith alone the bible ? If we are saved by works also then it is no more by faith . Let us correctly divide the Word of God . When it says we are saved by works also it does not say that men does the works. Nowhere in the bible doe sit say that men does the works.
Are we saved by works in the bible ? If men did the works themselves , then we would not need the death of Jesus to pay for our sins . Earth last day bible pass it on to our friends

We cannot atone for our sins. We cannot do things to gain heaven . We work because we love God . A wife cooks to husband because she loves the husband . She does not do things to gain husband love but because she already loves him . Faith and works Ellen g White audiobook People who believe in works for salvation are separated from Jesus . Millions of people in churches are separated from Jesus, they are lost in the church .

Are we saved by faith alone the bible ? Paul says that the cross of Jesus is of none effect to those who believe in salvation by works . Often the problem is pride, someone does not want to recognize that they are evil . We always want to see ourselves as good person . But let us believe the bible that says We are but men . Just human beings, dust that will return to dust. Earth last day channel like and subscribe

Are we saved by works in the bible ? Our hearts are deceitful above all things. If the bible says it is above all things it means that we do not understand how wicked we are . Faith and works Ellen g White audiobook In fact the bible continues saying who can know it . It means who can understand how wicked out hearts are ? Nobody can see how wicked they are . Are we saved by faith alone the bible ? One reason for this is that people do and judge themselves by what other people are doing .

If a pig spends his time judging his cleanliness by other pig he could say O i am clean i wash after i turn in the trash and the dirt . But this is so because he compares himself with other pigs . Most human beings think they are clean because they compares themselves to other pigs, the other human beings . Are we saved by works in the bible ? Earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

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