4 months ago

Zionism as the Root of All Evil

According to the Palestinian National Covenant of 1968, Zionism is a racist ideology that uses Fascist and Nazi methods to achieve its objectives. Article 22 of the Covenant describes it like this:

“Zionism is a political movement that is organically linked with world imperialism and is opposed to all liberation movements or movements for progress in the world. The Zionist movement is essentially fanatical and racialist; its objectives involve aggression, expansion and the establishment of colonial settlements and its methods are those of the Fascists and the Nazis. Israel acts as cat’s paw for the Zionist movement, a geographic and manpower base for world imperialism and a springboard for its thrust into the Arab homeland to frustrate the aspirations of the Arab nation to liberation, unity, and progress. Israel is a constant threat to peace in the Middle East and the whole world. Inasmuch as the liberation of Palestine will eliminate the Zionist and imperialist presence in that country and bring peace to the Middle East, the Palestinian people look for support to all liberals and to all forces of good, peace and progress in the world, and call on them, whatever their political convictions, for all possible aid and support in their just and legitimate struggle to liberate their homeland.”

This essentially communist view, married to Nazism—both discredited –isms in the West—depicts Jews as the personification of colonialism and racism. It was calculated to provoke hostility toward Israel from Afro-Asian countries, who relied on Israel for nascent technologies. The influence on the Arabs was more pronounced. They declared Zionism was created to humiliate them and reacting with resentment, rioted. They were given an ideological excuse to commit politicide in Israel a slow, methodical process that would ensure her extinction as an autonomous political and social body. This image of the Jew inflamed hatred and nurtured a need for retribution.

According to Yehoshafat Harkabi, former chief of Israeli Military Intelligence, and foreign policy expert at the Hebrew University, the Arabs define Zionism as the primary cause of the conflict and the root of evil. The National Covenant is not a reflection of the more radical elements within the Arab camp, but of the mainstream members of the Palestinian Arab movement. It signifies “an egotistic stand that does not show the slightest consideration for the adversary, nor any trace of recognition that he too may have a grievance, a claim and justice.”

The movement “professes ‘absoluteness’ and ‘totality’—there is absolute justice in the Palestinian stand in contrast to the absolute injustice of Israel; an unqualified Manichaean division of good and evil; right is on the Palestinian side only—only they are worthy of self-determination. Israelis are barely human creatures who at most must be tolerated in the Palestinian State as individuals or as a religious community, with their numbers reduced to five percent (Article 6 in the 1968 version) and then assimilated in an Arab environment; the historical link of the Jews with the land of Israel is deceit; the spiritual link as expressed in the centrality of the land of Israel in Judaism is a fraud; international decisions such as the Mandate granted by the League of Nations and the United Nations Partitions Resolution are all consigned to nothingness in a cavalier manner.”

Zionism is described as a “spiritual sister” and “spiritual heir” of Nazi ideology—though Nazi ideology preceded Zionism. Dr. Hasan Sa’ab, an Arab intellectual who believed Zionism’s original sin was its calculated scheme to steal another people’s land, wrote: “The concept of a ‘chosen race’ in Zionism differs from the concept of a ‘chosen race’ in Nazism, only in the identity of that race—the Zionists speaking of a ‘Jewish race’ and the Nazis of an ‘Aryan race.’ But anti-Semitism, Nazism and Zionism are different manifestations of a racism and nationalism which grew up in the same area and in the same intellectual climate.”

Dr. Fayez al-Sayegh, Senior Consultant to the Kuwait Ministry of Foreign Affairs, wrote: “The Zionist concept of the ‘final solution’ to the ‘Arab problem’ in Palestine and the Nazi concept of the ‘final solution to the Jewish Problem’ in Germany consisted essentially of the same basic ingredient: the elimination of the unwanted human element in question. The creation of a ‘Jew-free Germany’ was indeed sought by Nazism through more ruthless and more inhuman method than was the creation of an ‘Arab-free Palestine’ accomplished by the Zionists: but behind the difference in techniques lay an identity of goals.”

In his 1982 doctoral dissertation for Moscow’s Oriental College, Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), President of the Palestinian Authority…

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