Online street preacher 2

7 days ago
1 - medley 2
If you get close to Jesus then Jesus will manifest himself to you Jesus loves you so Because you are unique and Jesus cares for you as your maker and creator Jesus loves you so because you can live with him eternally and your love and personality are unique Jesus loves you so because there is no other person like you Learn more about Jesus and his love with Earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

Incredible youtube preacher sermon on the new testament Do you know that most churches today are teaching lies and false beliefs ? Did you know that what the apostles taught and what modern Christianity teaches are two different things ? Your youtube preacher sermon on Jesus Christ teaches that we need to study the bible and not modern beliefs that crept in unaware .

Your preacher on youtube sermon about Jesus Christ teaches that putting the Antichrist in the future, or saying once we are saved we are always saved, or saying Jesus will return two times, or saying people are in hell or they go to heaven straight when they die . Or saying there is not law and keeping Sunday . It is incredible to see that modern Christianity teaches so many alre and pagan and even Satanic beliefs that it cannot be called Gods church anymore .

Your youtube preacher sermon on the new testament helps you to know the bible correctly and to study to show yourself approved . Did you know that the people who followed the Pharisees will not be in heaven because they received lies ? In your youtube preacher sermon on Jesus Christ you can study the bible correctly taking bible verses all together to make a whole . Earth last day pass it on to your friends

Your preacher on youtube sermon about Jesus Christ teaches that when we study a bible topic we need to study all the verses together before we come to a conclusion . Many people take one verse and come to a conclusion end end up deceived and ready for the fires of hell . Your youtube preacher sermon on the new testament teaches that what you believe is everything in life . Believing a lie makes one a liar . Because nobody forces us to believe a lie .We all can study for ourselves and see if something is true or not .

Your youtube preacher sermon on Jesus Christ teaches that this is a life or death question . As Jesus is the Word then hen we accept a lie we accept Satan in our lives . The people in Noah s times who believed the lies of the scientists of their day were destroyed in the flood . Beware what you believe in and be humble enough to let go of false beliefs because your eternal destiny depends on it . Earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

Your preacher on youtube sermon about Jesus Christ teaches that the biggest problem i have seen is that people are too proud to 1 recognize that their have believed a lie 2 too proud to let go of this lie to accept the truth 3 too in love with tradition to repent and believe what the bible teaches . In youtube preacher sermon on the new testament we find that when we put many verses together then we are safe in knowing that what we believe in is correct.

Why do so many churches believe lies ? It is because they to not study the topic fully taking all verses on a subject and take swift, unwise depressions . Your youtube preacher sermon on Jesus Christ teaches that the whole christian world will be deceived Earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

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