Online street preacher 3

5 months ago

preacher on youtube sermon about Jesus Christ
youtube sermon on the gospel of jesus christ
youtube compilation on the bible of the gospel of Jesus Christ -medley 3 Learn the bible and the love of Jesus for you Do you need love then you need to know your best friend Jesus If you seek Him Jesus will manifest himself to you Find out more about the love of Jesus for you now Earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

Your preacher on youtube sermon about Jesus Christ teaches that modern Christianity has fallen What does fallen means in the bible ? Well let us look at the opposite . Paul says that the true church stands on the truth . If someone does not stand what do they do ? They fall. Fall from what ? Fall from bible truth . Your youtube sermon on the gospel of Jesus Christ teaches that modern Babylon is the papacy like Luther Calvin, Zwingly, Huss Jerome taught . But the daughters we find on revelation 14 also fell.

Your youtube compilation on the bible of the gospel of Jesus Christ teaches that daughter looks like the mother. Does Islam Buddhism look like the papacy ? No it is the protestant churches that fell . It says in revelation 14 when that fall exact happened ? It says they fell when a message was given and rejected . It is in 1844 when William Miller gave the 1 st angels message . Earth last day pass it on to your friends

Your preacher on youtube sermon about Jesus Christ teaches that let us remember the true end time church will teach the 3 angels message . Everything in Christianity has been twisted as around 1830 a new belief came in most christian churches . All the truths about the second coming, the Antichrist, Babylon has been changed from the apostles and reformers belief to a false teaching .

Your youtube sermon on the gospel of Jesus Christ teaches that if this is vital and life or death to know who the Antichrist is, who Babylon is, what the mark of the beast is , is Jesus coming back one time or 2 . If life or death depend son that. Then it is imperative brothers and sisters to know what the truth is . Your youtube compilation on the bible of the gospel of Jesus Christ teaches that Paul says doctrines of devils will come in. Earth last day like and subscribe

Then, either the apostles and the reformers were right. Or modern fallen Christianity is right . Who is right ? Can both be right ? No Your preacher on youtube sermon about Jesus Christ teaches that those who are in Babylon will receive the mark of the beast and the seven last plagues . You will say o i believe in Jesus and this is enough ? No it is not as in times of Noah all people who were believers followed society s tradition and not Noah .

They all died in the flood even they believed in the coming Messiah Jesus . Today Jesus says those in Babylon need to come out . And the remnant church is giving the 3 angels message which is the last message for planet earth . Which side will you be ? Your youtube sermon on the gospel of Jesus Christ As all Babylon churches will preach, Jesus, they will do mission work, they will sing to Jesus . But Jesus will not be in church anymore .

Your youtube compilation on the bible of the gospel of Jesus Christ teaches that the Jews kept doing going to the temple waiting for the Messiah when he was already crucified and Jesus presence had left the temple . People in Babylon will continue to go to their fallen churches, not knowing that Jesus is not there anymore . But like revelation 18 says it will be the hold or house of every Evil spirit . Earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

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