What's your body trying to tell you ?...

5 months ago

Have you heard of the saying: feather, brick, truck?

The feather can mean a niggling feeling of unease, e.g. you need to end a bad relationship, or it can be a nudge to see a health specialist.

A featherlight message can be easily dismissed or ignored.

However, the Universe hasn’t forgotten about it, so now it needs to slap us around the ears with something bigger and scarier.

It might be like a brick hitting the window shattering it.

Now we are left with a mess.

And if we still don’t listen, we might need a truck experience, like I did in 2006.

The Universe also talks through our body, because our soul lives inside our body while we have our human experience on Earth.

Your soul doesn’t want you to miss the boat, or miss the purpose you signed up for.

So it’s always sending you messages, offering guidance to keep you on track but we rarely listen, because many of us are disconnected from our bodies.

We push through pain, ignore discomfort, and brush aside the small signs that something needs our attention.

But those symptoms—whether it’s a headache, tension in your neck, or fatigue—aren’t just random inconveniences, they have real meaning.

Let me give you a few examples:
Go to the link below to read Grada's Blog in full ... https://gradarobertson.com/whats-your-body-trying-to-tell-you/

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