Rescue The Republic (Sunday, September 29, 2024 • Washington D.C.)

5 months ago

On September 18, 2024, RescueTheRepublic @RescueRepublic writes:

"It's our time. We must unite. It's time to RESCUE THE REPUBLIC. Join us in Washington D.C on 9/29/24."




This is our moment to defend and celebrate the values and principles that have made America and the West the freest, fairest and most productive society the world has ever known. At its heart the West is an agreement to distribute opportunity as widely as possible, and to allow the market to reward those who produce wealth from which we collectively benefit. Our civilization today is in grave danger and every single principle on which the West is based is under simultaneous threat. This moment demands radical change and requires liberals, conservatives, and independents of every color and creed to unify to rescue the West.

What started as Defeat The Mandates, an historic idea to bring together the world's leading COVID-19 dissidents in the early days of the vaccine mandates, and Rage Against The War Machine in the wake of the Ukrainian conflict, has now become today's Rescue the Republic: Join The Resistance.

The same team of visionary leaders who organized and rose up to send the strong message of "We will not comply" are raising voices once again to protest the ongoing dismantling and destruction of Western values across the globe.

On Sunday, September 29th we will come together on the sacred grounds between the WWII Memorial and the Washington Monument to rally again and say with one voice:

"We will NOT COMPLY with tyranny! We will RESCUE THE REPUBLIC!"


The "Rescue The Republic" movement, as outlined on the website, presents 8 pillars that form the core of their ideology. These pillars are:

1. War as a Last Resort: This pillar opposes the Military Industrial Complex, emphasizing that military action should only be considered when all other options have been exhausted

2. Informed Consent: This pillar aims to sanctify and recodify informed consent, positioning itself against what they term the Medical Industrial Complex

3. Free Speech and Privacy: This pillar advocates for banishing state media control, surveillance, and propaganda, opposing what they call the Censorship Industrial Complex

4. Rational Border Policy: This pillar calls for the enactment of a rational border policy, contrasting it with what they refer to as the Immigration Industrial Complex

5. Judicial Reform: This pillar seeks to end lawfare and abuse of the judicial system, opposing what they term the Injustice Industrial Complex

6. Monetary Freedom: This pillar advocates for securing monetary freedom, positioning itself against the Finance Industrial Complex

7. Family Sovereignty: This pillar aims to restore family sovereignty, opposing what they call the Developmental Industrial Complex

8. Open Dialogue: This pillar calls for a return to truth-seeking and open dialogue, contrasting it with what they term the Academic Industrial Complex



Dr. bret weinstein - @BretWeinstein
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - @RobertKennedyJr
Russell Brand - @rustyrockets
Dr. Jordan peterson - @jordanbpeterson
Tulsi Gabbard - @TulsiGabbard
Charlie Kirk - @Charliekirk11
Matt Taibbi - @mtaibbi
Skillet - @skilletmusic
Tyler Fisher - @TyTheFisch
ERIC BOLLING - @ericbolling
Del BigTree - @delbigtree
Rob Schneider - @robschneider
Col. (ret.) Douglas Macgregor - @DougAMacgregor
Lara Logan - @LaraLogan
ZUBY - @ZubyMusic
Dr. Robert Malone - @RWMaloneMD
Dr. Pierre Kory - @PierreKory
Tennessee JET - @TennesseeJet
Dr. Heather Heying - @HeatherEHeying
Five Times AUGUST - @FiveTimesAugust
Brandon Straka - @brandonstraka
Jimmy Dore - @JimmyDoreShow
Struggle Jennings - @struggjennings
The Defiant - @TheDefiantUSA
Mary Holland - @maryhollandnyc
Corey DeAngelis - @DeAngelisCorey
Human Garage - @humangarage


See also:

COVID Protests & Events

Defeat The Mandates

International Crisis Summit

U.S. Government COVID-19 Hearings, Meetings & Events

State COVID-19 Government Hearings, Meetings, Events

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