Matt Walsh: DEI Exploits People’s Natural Desire to Be Nice

1 day ago

Adam Carolla hosts Matt Walsh and Justin Folk to discuss their film “Am I Racist?” which exposes DEI culture and progressive ideologies.

WALSH: “… like most normal people aren’t walking around every day obsessed with race and tormenting themselves over the question of whether or not they’re racist.

The default position, I think, of most people is that you know, you don’t think that much about it… you notice if somebody is a different race, but… you’re not obsessively focused on it.

… then you have these DEI grifter types who come in… that’s the problem they’re trying to fix. The problem is that people are normal and not worried about it and so they have to tell you, like, No, you need to be obsessively focused on this. You are racist.

And if you think that you aren’t racist, that’s all the more evidence that, in fact, you are racist. And they get you going in this spiral of like, confusion, and they want to keep you there.”

There is a growing pushback against these ideologies, as seen in changing public sentiments towards movements like Black Lives Matter and COVID-19 policies.

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